Job Description
Working under the MOU between UHWC & MSF
Overview of UHWC
UHWC is NGO leading Palestinian knowledge-based community healthcare organazation established in 1985, contributing to community empowerment in healthcare and promoting the comprehensive concept in the Gaza Strip.Its members are gathering a healthy vision for our slogan , "Health Service is a right to whoever needs it". UHWC is achieving community health empowerment and promoting the comprehensive healthcare concept through capacity development; primary; and tertiary healthcare; culture and health, and community health communication and advocacy programs.
Overview of MSF :
MSF is a civil society initiative that brings together individuals committed to the assistance of other human beings in crisis. As such MSF is by choice an association. Each individual working with MSF does it out of conviction and is ready to uphold the values and principles of MSF.
The staff will be employed by Union of health work commitees (UHWC) and is assigned to MSF Limb reconstructive surgery project in Al Awda hospital according the partnership between UHWC and MSF.
Position in the Organization
Reports to (Hierarchical):
Out-Patient Department supervisor \ Nurse Activity Manager
Reports to (Functional):
Out-Patient Department supervisor \ Nurse Activity Manager
Technical referrent
Medical Data Officer/Medical Data Supervisor
Job Family:
Medical and Paramedical
Supervises (Function):
Main Purpose
Coordination and organization of main flow in the clinic. Organize and archive patient file according to MSF Standard.
General Accountabilities
- Arrange and confirm patients’ appointments, keep a diary of absences, and holidays up to date.
- Supervise the printing of copies and binding of documents.
- Welcome patients ensuring that the reception area is in good, clean condition
- Provide accurate information of patient / appointment for the medical team i.e. Schedule for surgery, OPD appointments, etc.
- Help to organize patients schedule and appointments, communicate with Logistic to arrange movement for the patient.
- Organize patient file according to MSF protocols and procedure.
- Keep the archives tidy and clean, ensuring that hardcopies can be retrieve efficiently when needed for any purpose.
- Manage office stationery supply and place orders on time to avoid running out of stock.
- Retrieve and prepare the documents requested by line manager, medical staff and supervisors.
- Receive and scan all relevant medical documents when requested.
- Give regular feedback to the line manager and report directly any issue or incident.
Participate in any relevant meeting as requested by the line manager
MSF Section/Context Specific Accountabilities
Additional activities
- Attendance and involvement
- To respect the time schedule and be punctual regarding attendance to duties.
- To treat all patients with dignity and respect
- To maintain good professional relationships, communication with other team members.
- To adhere a personal and professional code of conduct.
2. Reception, secretarial and archiving tasks
- Organizes all patients’ movements in collaboration with the clinic staff and the drivers according to the patient living area.
- Receives and orients the patients in the clinic.
- Calls all patients referred by Medical Liaison Officer (MLO) to schedule appointment for first consultation.
- Daily prepares and prints the patients list for the drivers, the OPD team and OT team.
- Helps for dispatching of the patients between different departments.
- Keeps all the files archived properly and in a safe place. Properly register all files coming In and Out of the archive.
- Calls absent patients and makes the new appointments for them. Gives feedback to the OPD, GP in order to decide the fate of defaulters.
- Answers the phone, takes messages, and makes appointments.
- Updates regularly the sociodemographic information for the patients.
- Collect the discharged patients’ files from all departments and archive them according to the archiving system
- In charge of the stationary: prepares stationery order and following up on the stock flow and refers for any purchase orders/update stock under supervisor of the line manager.
- Security information track
- Takes delivery of and dispatches immediately the messages for the personnel of the clinic.
- Ensure, promote and maintain confidentiality regarding all files and registered information
- Holds a register in order to compile all the calls, departures and arrivals of the patients, with hours and all annex information.
- Must receive and transmit all useful information to the members of the clinic.
- In attentive with information which are given to him/her and the priorities which are meant to him/her
- Remains very discrete as for internal or personal information to which he/she has access.
- Is watchful with the appropriate use and the correct management of all the tools of communication, computer, printer and informs the person in charge for any anomaly.
Responsibilities towards MSF
Commitment to MSF
- Flexibility and confidentiality.
- He/She must respect and adhere to MSF chart.
- This job description may be modified in the future, depending on the evolution of the work and on MSF activities.
General knowledge of MSF
- Is aware of MSF objectives and activities in general and in the working context.
- Participates actively in meetings and trainings.
- Reports any security incidents immediately to direct supervisor.
Cooperation with other departments
- Is aware of activities of other departments and respect specific rules and procedures.
Information source
- Interprets and translate conversation when necessary., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Job Requirements
Diploma or bachelor’s degree in medical secretary/Administration /Medical record management or related studies.
Previous experience as an admission officer, archivist or secretary is an asset.
Good level of reading, writing and speaking English.
Multitask Management,
Planning capabilities, organizational skills, Management skills,
Communication skills,
Computer skills (good knowledge of MS Office)
Personal qualities
Diplomacy, discretion, good communication and interpersonal skills,
Multi-cultural flexibility or experience, Team Player,
Calm, stress management, patient,
Confidentiality, strong sense of integrity.
Ability to adapt to new circumstances, flexibility, problem solving skills
Job Details
Job Title
03 - Feb - 2022
Gaza Strip
Job Type
Full time
Position Level
Entry Level
1 Year
Healthcare & Community
Business & Admin
Application Instructions
تقديم طلبات التوظيف إلكترونياً عبر الرابط
تقديم الطلبات ابتداءً من الأحد 30/01/2022 حتى نهاية يوم الخميس الموافق 03/02/2022.
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