Mid-term Evaluation

Job Description
Mid-term evaluation

Yes Theatre for Communication among Youth (YT), a Palestinian non-governmental organiza-tion established in 2008, is seeking a team of two evaluators for a mid-term evaluation of the project “Puppets 4 Kids - Supporting social entrepreneurs establish a Puppetry Department in Hebron”.
YT uses drama and theatre to positively influence children and youth in Hebron to create a change in their society. Supported by the Drosos Foundation, the Puppets 4 Kids Project  uses puppet theatre to promote the psychosocial development and active learning processes of chil-dren and youth (4-18 years), especially those living in marginalized communities. The project aims at achieving the following results:

-The self-confidence and self-expression of children and their relations with peers and families are improved through puppetry workshops and professional puppet shows.
-Care givers (teachers, social workers, school counsellors, and parents) are trained in pup-petry techniques.
-The puppetry department generates own income.

This mid-term evaluation after 18 months (total project duration: 36 months) has two separate parts which – due to the very different aspects they look at – require two different evaluators with the relevant skill set.
Part I shall focus on assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the project as well as the pre-liminary impact on the beneficiaries. Part II looks at the objective of setting up a “social enter-prise”: the partner shall generate income through selling puppet shows, puppetry workshops and other services.

Please refer to the ToR for all the details


Deadline for submitting an offer is February 26th, 2016.

YT and Drossos foundation invite qualified consultants to send their Proposals in electronic format which shall include an outline of the methodology, a comprehensive work plan with deliverables and detailed budget for the mandate as well as CVs and capabilities of the evaluation team including their profile and a detailed Financial & technical offer, action plan to

No later than 28th February 2016.



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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Mid-term Evaluation
Deadline 28 - Feb - 2016
Location Hebron
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
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