Ministry of Education & Higher Education /Procurement Office

Job Description
Tertiary Education Project
Vacancy Announcement
The Ministry of Education & Higher Education (MOEHE) has received a grant from the World Bank, International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of Tertiary Education Project. The project aims to (i) improve the policy making environment for tertiary education management,
governance and quality assurance; (ii) increase internal and external efficiency of tertiary education institutions as a first step towards achieving sustainability; and (iii) create incentives and provide the basis for improvements in quality, relevance and equity of tertiary education institutions in order to meet the socio-economic needs of the Palestinian population.

The Ministry announces the following consultancy, to be financed as part of the project:

Position : Procurement Officer in the Project Coordination Unit (PCU), Full–time contract

Main Tasks and Responsibilities:
-Assisting in the procurement of all equipment, software, and the selection of consultants for the Project implementing entities;
-Updating the Project procurement plan for each year ensuring that Project entities are ready to receive the goods/services, and that the required funds are included in the budget;
-Determining the procurement method to be used based on the size of the package: National Competitive Bidding (NCB), Shopping (S) and Direct Contracting;
-Determining the consultant selection method to be used based on the size and nature of the assignment: QCBS, CQS, IC;
-Drafting bid notices and standard bidding documents for inviting and obtaining bids in accordance with World Bank Guidelines;
-Drafting requests for expressions of interest and standard request for proposals (RFPs) for inviting and obtaining proposals in accordance with World Bank Guidelines;
-Assisting in establishing procedures for receiving and opening of bids/proposals, ensuring adherence to the evaluation criteria stipulated in the bidding documents/RFPs in a professional and timely manner;
-Recording the deliberations of all procurement processes: bid/proposal openings, evaluations, and decisions of the evaluation committees;
- Assisting project entities in the selection of consultants and specialists, preparation of their terms of reference and administration of their agreements;
-Participating in the preparation of periodic progress reports for the Technical Committee and the Bank;
-Provide technical assistance to TEIs to maintain on Bank procurement procedures throughout grant implementation;
-Conduct visits to TEIs to ensure that appropriate procurement procedures have been followed throughout grant implementation; and
-Performing other duties as may be assigned by the PCU Director

Minimum Required Qualifications
1- University degree in Marketing, Business Administration or Engineering, or any relevant field.
2-At least 3 years of proven relevant past work experience preferably in projects funded by Int’l Donors.
3-Excellent communication and follow up skills.
4-Fluency in English and excellent report writing.
5- Excellent computer skills, including procurement software
6-The ability to work under pressure.

Place of Work:
Both posts shall be based at MOEHE headquarters in Ramallah, and shall require regular travel to all Tertiary Education Institutions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Interested qualified applicants are requested to send their Curriculum Vitae and a cover letter, indicating the consultancy required, to the following address no later than, January 6th, 2010:

Ministry of Education and Higher Education,
PO Box 576, Al Ma’ahed Street
Ramallah, West Bank ,, Tel: 0097222983203
Email: [email protected]
Minister of Education & Higher Education
Ms. Lamis M. Al-Alami, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Ministry of Education & Higher Education /Procurement Office
Deadline 06 - Jan - 2010
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: