Mobile Developer

Job Description

Thank you for reading our Vacancy Announcement,

We are seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position : Flutter developers, or iOS/Android developers.
(Preferebly qualified in using React-Native libraries or at least with knowledge of reactive programing paradigm.

People without a college degree can also apply for this job, only if the job requirements matches their qualifications., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

**  Qualifications:

-For Flutter developers: 
           -Good knowledge of the Dart programming language and its must common libraries.
           -Good knowledge with flutter widgets. 
           - to convert native UI components to Flutter widgets. 
           -Good knowledge of using REST-API and the necessary librarries to send-recieve data from the servers.
           -Previous experience working with GIT and being able to use any repository server beside Github.
           -Being able to accomplish common programming tasks (such as working with databases, saving-reading files and using the logging librarries).
-For the iOS developers: 
           -At least 2 years experience of working with Swift programming language.
           -Previous experience working with openGL and multiemedia development (or being able to learn it).
           -Being able to learn  convering iOS native views to Flutter widgets. 
           -Good knowledge of using REST-API and the necessary librarries to send-recieve data from the servers.
           -Previous experience in working with GIT and being able to use any repository server beside Github.
           -Being Able to accomplish must common programming tasks (as working with databases, saving-reading files and using the logging librarries).

-For Android developers: 
           -At least 2 years experience working with  Java programming language (should be able to make th jump to kotlin programing languge soon).
           -Previous experience in working with openGL and multiemedia development (or able to learn it).
           -Being able to learn  convering Android native views to Flutter widgets. 
           -Good knowledge of using REST-API and the necessary librarries to send-recieve data from the servers.
           -Previous experience in working with GIT and being able to use any repository server beside Github.
           -Being able to accomplish must common programming tasks (such as working with databases, saving-reading files and using the logging librarries).

Job Details
Job Title Mobile Developer
Deadline 15 - Sep - 2019
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary n/a
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category I.T. & Tech
Application Instructions

Interested and qualified candidates can apply online through Apply Now - تقدم الآن لهذه الوظيفة 

when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: