Job Description

Position: Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Long term Expert

Location: Ramallah  

Application Deadline:   25 March 2018

Starting Date: 1/4/2018

Reports to: Programme Manager


PNGO is a coordination body for the NGO sector in Palestine with the purpose of strengthening the Palestinian civil society and contributing to the establishment of the Palestinian state based on the principles of democracy, social justice, rule of law, tolerance, and respect of human rights through networking, building-up the capacity of NGOs, developing information management centre and mainstreaming of society concerns into public policies, plans and programs. At present, PNGO boasts of 142 national NGOs in Gaza, West Bank and Jerusalem that work across sectors in different development and humanitarian fields.


Palestinian civil society historically played a vital role in service delivery to the public. Despite its significance in a period of occupation rule, their level of coordination was constrained by a number of internal and external factors. With the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, service delivery has been increasingly shifting to governmental institutions while a new space emerged for Palestinian civil society in governance and public policy setting. However, civil society capacity in policy dialogue and policy monitoring remains weak, especially in light of deficient coordination between CSOs.

The Palestinian Non Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO) In partnership with , Palestinian National Institute for NGOs (PNIN), Union for Charitable Societies – Jerusalem (UCS) and the Palestinian General Union of Charitable Societies, Is Implementing  its joint EU funded Programme: “Palestinian Civil Society Platforms: A Vehicle for Grassroots Civil Society Development and Policy Influence”.

The aim of the programmme to promote the role of Palestinian civil society organizations in national dialogue, public policies, and regional networking on civil society matters. Implemented by a strategic consortium of the existing Palestinian civil society umbrella networks, the programme builds on the achievements, lessons learned, and internal and external coordination structures established by the previous project funded by the EU to the same consortium in the years 2014-2016. The programme heavily draws on the Civil Society index, strategic plans of the CS networks, and the external evaluation conducted in the previous project. The specific objective of the proposed action is to enhance a more coordinated role of civil society platforms to better represent their members, build their capacity, and activate their role in policy influence over issues of civil society concern. The duration of the programme is 3 years from 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2020.


PNGO are looking to recruit an M&E firm to provide services over the project lifetime, through designing and implementing monitoring system for collecting/tracking regular progress updates and inform to management through formal reporting aspects Including a baseline study in the first quarter of year 1, midterm review at the beginning of year 2 and final evaluation following the end of the project in year 3., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
Deadline 25 - Mar - 2018
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 2 Years
Application Instructions


All candidates who are interested in this assignment should submit a tender application covering the following:

  • A brief explanation describing why you are an appropriate consultant/organization for this assignment – drawing on but not limited to the consultant/s specifications above
  • CVs of the consultant(s) who will undertake the assignment
  • A short concept note including your proposed approach and brief methodology (no more than 4 A4 pages)
  • Your availability to be physically available to deliver the services required over the project lifespan
  • Financial proposal which should clearly break down consultancy fees and reimbursable costs.
  • Max 2 examples of baseline/evaluations or results framework & progress reports conducted by consultant (s)

Interested applicants should submit Applications no later than March 25, 2018 to: [email protected]

Only those who are short-listed will be notified

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