MSMEs call for consultants
Call for Consultants
PalTrade, PSC and PFI are partnering to implement the project titled “Creating a Competitive Edge of the Palestinian MSMEs in the Local and Potential Export Markets” in West Bank and Gaza.
The Project aims to increase the capacity of MSMEs by targeting selected priority sectors/products to increase their market share locally and internationally and will focus on improving the competitiveness of a selected number of companies.
Consultancy Objective
The Project is seeking to recruit Consultancy Firms and/or Freelance Advisors to conduct diagnostic studies and business development plans for 35 selected companies from West Bank and Gaza., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
For more information about the project and required qualifications, please follow the links to PalTrade, PFI and PSC websites, or contact us on 02-2408383.
This call for consultants is open until February 23rd 2018. Qualified consulting firms and/or professional advisors are invited to submit their CVs, Work Methodology and Reference letters to the following email address:
Please include “MSMEs call for consultants” in the subject line of your email.