Job Description

REPORTS TO: Principal of School
INTERFACES WITH: Faculty, students, parents, colleagues and the general School community
SUPERVISES: Assigned faculty and support services personnel


The IB MYP Coordinator is a key leadership position and is responsible for the administration and development of the IB MYP program in grades 6 to 10. Together with the school administration, the IB MYP coordinator is involved in the whole school implementation of the IB and is the direct point of contact with the IBO.


Responsibilities relating to Different Constituencies and Areas:


Oversee the student selection procedure in accordance to school policies.
Monitor the progress of IB students.
Be informed of the development of each IB MYP student.
Discuss with the student and consult with the IB MYP staff and the academic counselor about necessary actions concerning the student’s academic or personal development.
Assume primary responsibility for initiating information to students about the personal project and maintain follow up with teachers supervising those projects.
Ensure that students meet programme and examination requirements and fulfill MYP regulations.


Provide comprehensive information on the IB MYP to interested parents. Update the IB MYP Handbook regularly.
Ensure that parents’ meetings are organized at least once a semester.
Organize Orientation sessions about the IB MYP for parents of grade 5.

IB MYP Staff

Provide the IB MYP staff with advice and support.
Consult with IB MYP staff to monitor the on going progress of students particularly following progress and semester reports.
Organize regular staff meetings for discussion of common matters to ensure a smooth running of the programme in the school.
Ensure that all IB MYP staff have access to relevant publications and updated resource materials, and thus are fully informed of current programme content and subject requirements.
Ensure that all staff are informed of and adhere to IB MYP regulations.
Keep staff informed of current IB MYP developments.
Administer and be responsible for the ‘Annual Calendar of procedures and major deadlines. Meet all deadlines.
Ensure that all staff are informed of the relevant assessment procedures.
Monitor and keep records of IB staff experience and professional development.
Coordinate staff professional development and provide opportunities at internal and external IB MYP workshops.
Liaise with the librarian regarding the provision of resource books and other relevant materials.
Inform newly appointed IB MYP staff of all relevant aspects of the programme.
Inform Department Coordinators and teachers of requirements of assessment and guided coursework.

School Administration

Liaise with the Principal and Assistant Principal to contribute to the development of the professional development plan.
Contribute to the school calendar.
Submit plans for the long-term improvement of the IB MYP within the school and monitor the implementation of these plans.

IBO Offices

Serve as liaison between administration, staff, students, parents, and IBO and thus handle all relevant communication with the different IB MYP offices.
Be familiar with all IB MYP procedures.
Ensure that administrative procedures be carried out correctly and that deadlines be kept according to IBO instructions.
Keep copies of all correspondence with IBO including forms, documents, and reports.
Ensure that conditions for the conduct of the examinations are fulfilled.

Personal Project

Inform supervisors and students about the personal project requirement, the guidelines and assessment criteria.
Identify teaching staff with suitable qualifications and experience to act as supervisors.
Ensure that potential supervisors are familiar with the personal project requirement.
Monitor school deadlines.
Ensure that students meet with their supervisor on a regular basis.
Ensure the timely submission of the personal project.
Organize the exhibition of the personal projects.


Liaise with the Principal to develop the IB MYP budget.
Notify the Principal and the accounting office of IB MYP payments due, where applicable.
Check invoices, ensure arrival of materials and authorize payment of IBO invoices and direct invoices to the accounting office.
Liaise with the Principal with regard to IBO workshops.

The MYP coordinator will be required to teach up to 50% of a regular teacher’s teaching load.


According to School Policies and Procedures.


Annual performance evaluation completed by the Principal., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements


Current and appropriate teaching certification
BA or BS degree.
IB MYP Teaching experience.
Experienced and knowledgeable about the IB MYP program.
Bilingual in both the Arabic and English language is preferable; a 3rd language would be seen as an asset.
Skilled in educational leadership and able to inspire others.

Job Details
Job Title MYP Coordinator
Deadline 31 - Jul - 2018
Location Outside Palestine(Qatar)
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 1 Year
Application Instructions

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