Organizational Development Consultant
Organizational Development Consultant
Project: (Advancing the rights of vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities in the West Bank through all inclusive advocacy led by the disability movement)
About the Organization:
Handicap International (HI) is an independent international solidarity organisation which works in situations of poverty or exclusion, conflict and natural disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations, the organization takes action and speaks out in order to meet their essential needs and improve their living conditions. Handicap International is committed to campaigning to ensure their dignity is preserved and their fundamental rights upheld. HI is active in occupied Palestinian territories since 1996, supporting services provision to persons with disabilities and looking at strengthening access to information for users. Also Handicap International works with service providers, persons with disabilities, their representatives and local authorities to developed sustainable mechanisms and capacities to enhance access to services for persons with disabilities and development of capacities of DPOs (Disabled Persons Organisations) at local, national and regional level so they become acknowledged counterpart of authorities and service providers and influence policy making processes. HI supports local stakeholders, DPOs, service providers and authorities in their own initiatives to remove barriers and deliver services, enhancing inclusiveness of community development processes while optimising community resources.
Brief description about Disability in Palestine:
According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics there are around 4,048,403 million Palestinian living in the oPt (2,513,283 million in West Bank and 1,535,120 million in Gaza strip). According to general estimations by WHO, between 10-15% of a given population would have some kind of disability; in the Palestinian Territories, this implies that the figure would be around 284,000 – 404,000 people. According to the last records, the prevalence of disability in the oPt was about 7% (extended definition) with similar prevalence in each of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. While the prevalence of disability using the narrow definition was 2.7% distributed as 2.9% in the West Bank and 2.4% in Gaza Strip; while it was 2.9% for Males and 2.5% for females. Taken together, this implies that the total number of PWDs in oPts is around 113,000-287,000.
EIDHR Project:
EIDHR project is funded by the EU and implemented by Handicap International in partnership with Stars of Hope society. The overall project objective is “National and local decision makers in the West Bank implement the national disability law and inclusive community development addressing the rights of all Persons with Disabilities. While the specific objective is” Disabled peoples' organisations (DPOs) and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) at national and local level in the West Bank are engaged in advocacy activities for the rights of vulnerable persons with disabilities[1] and those living in marginalized areas, fostering a cross-disability approach”
The project is implemented to support the participation and representation of persons with disabilities and their organisations in five governorates in West bank (Hebron,Nablus,Qalqilia,Jenin&Tulkarem). The action will increase the capacities of the disability movement in West Bank to integrate the interests of DPOs and SHGs at national and grass root level and advance the equal representation.
In addition, the project focus on increasing the participation of most vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities, promotes awareness rising on disability rights and mechanisms of self-representation in particularly vulnerable and marginalized groups. The last part of the activity focus on promotion of inclusive representation and advocacy practises in local and national DPOs/SHGs through grants for advocacy initiatives to be implemented by DPOs/SHGs.
Throughout the EIDHR project “Advancing the rights of vulnerable and marginalized persons with disabilities in the West Bank through all inclusive advocacy led by the disability movement” Handicap International and its partner stars of Hope Society are aiming at developing and implementing an organizational development for 10(ten) selected local disabled people organization (DPOs).
Specific Objectives:
The main objective of this action is to support ten selected national Disabled People Organizations (-DPOs) to conduct an organizational development -self-assessment on three levels
-Managment skills, finance and communication
-Representation of DPO’s,(membership/number /Percentage of Vulnerable and marginalized PwDs represented in the DPO’s) Relation of DPO ’s with local authorities at the governorate level,
-DPOs understanding of advocacy, rights of PwDs, Assessment of recent changes realized by -DPO’s at local and national level.
Targeted Audience:
The target of the consultancy will be ten disabled people organizations (DPOs) from West Bank selected by HI and SHS.
Deaf Union-Qalqilia/Ramallah
Thalsemia /Ramallah
Dura Society for PwDs
GUDP-Hebron Branch
Disabled without Borders.
GUDP Qalqilia
Arab Society for Disabled
Expected Actions:
-Orientation by HI/SHS on DPOs role and mandate
-Designing OD self assessment methodology for targeted DPOs
-Draft implementation plan on the OD self assessment methodology.
-Discuss the draft methodology and implementation plan with HI project manager.
-Introduce OD methodology to selected DPO’s
-Conduct an OD self-assessment for the 10 targeted DPO’s
-Draft SMART development action plan and development tool for each targeted DPOs based on needs objectives and available resources
-Elaboration of a comprehensive budget to implement the OD Action Plan identified
-Draft Training/coaching plan for each DPO
-Summarize and present adapted alternatives to face limited resources and identified challenges
-Implement coaching/training to the 10 targeted DPOs based on daft
-Implementation of the OD action plan by DPOs
-Follow up and filed visits by the consultant to DPOs while implementing their OD action plan
Evaluation : Pre and post OD activity
-Separate report of each DPO including assessment finding , developed action plan and recommendation An Overall OD analysis report including used tools , over all analysis of DPOs capacities based on assessment and summary of all agreed action plans and last section on recommendations .
-Technical support and coaching monthly report for each LDPO.
-Training needs assessment report for each LDPO
Monitoring & evaluation tool for LDPO performance development progress.
Extra details
-The consultant will support DPOs to assess their organizational performance, to identify problems, analyse them to identify areas of improvement, specific needs and priorities.. It should support identifying the changes required at the different organizational levels, it should provide information on current strategies and performance related to their strategic plan, organizational/Group structure, development management, financial management, organizational/Group climate and culture, conflict management and employees’/members commitment.
-The SMART action plan should include identification of the needs and priorities, the support needed, potential resources, clear actions need to be taken, and the needed budget to implement it. For each objective/ target of the organizational /Group development action plan, the consultant will ensure that performance development indicators and a timeframe are indicated.
-The Consultant will follow the DPOs implementation of their organizational/Group development action plan and will provide the technical support and recommendations as needed to them and HI disability rights /advocacy project team, taking into consideration the potential constrains.
-Identification of the needs and priorities, and in accordance, definition of goals and objectives, in line with each DPO own strategic plans and vision,
-The OD consultant will support the DPOs to implement the Action Plan as identified. He/ she will ensure monitoring and follow up during field visits, and will provide coaching and technical support to the DPOS on regular basis during the contract period, to ensure a smooth implementation. According to the results of monitoring visits, recommendations will be provided as needed and taking into consideration potential constrains/ limitation as identified at earlier stages
-In addition to the objectives already mentioned, the consultant will provide any other technical support to HI partners as required
-Higher Education degree, preferably a master degree in organizational development and /or strategic planning / management development or other related fields.
-Proven technical expertise on organizational assessment and organizational development planning.
-At least five years of relevant work experience with DPOs, SHGs and / or INGOs.
-Good background on disability, disability movement, understanding aspects and differences between service providers and DPOs roles.
-Willingness to travel to the field
-Excellent communication, interpersonal, and training skills.
-Ability to work under pressure and within a team
-Ability to handle multiple assignments and meet deadlines.
-Having positive, innovative, inspirational and problem-solving attitude.
-Excellent command of English language.
The consultancy service provision contract is for Two months starting from May10 until July10.2014
Start date: May.10.2014
Mission end date: July.10.2014
Service location: Ramallah City West Bank Governorates
A detailed work plan for the OD consultant assignment will be discussed and agreed upon in collaboration with the targeted LDPOS and HI after the consultant is identified & before signing the service contract with HI. The work plan will be an annex to the service contract.
All reports specified in the table of expected actions should be delivered to HI In English before Nov.20.2014.
Language: English
Within the framework of the consultancy, the Consultant will be in collaboration with Handicap International’s teams and in particular with HI project Manager and Technical Advisor who will be the point of contact.
The interested candidates shall provide Handicap International with an offer including full proper price quote and financial expectations according to the services proposed. Fitting with the following points:
-Prices shall be in English and with ILS currency.
-Price will include transportation and communication fees
-Preferred payment terms / method shall be mentioned.
Interested individual candidates or consultancy offices / companies should send their curriculum vita / profile, letter of interest with the reference (Organizational Development Consultant to no later than May.2nd.2014
Handicap International is an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from persons with disabilities, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.