OXFAM GB CONSULTANT Finalization of a Strategy for the Oli

Job Description



OXFAM GB – CONSULTANT – “Finalization of a Strategy for the Olive Sub-sector Development in OPT”.

A strategic olive oil subsector framework document was developed in 2011 in line with the approved national agriculture strategy “A shared vision 2011-2013, of agricultural sector development” prepared by Ministry of Agriculture in 2011. This framework was approved by MoA and different stakeholders in the sector. The final olive oil sub sector strategy, however, was not finalized and sector priorities were not identified. 

Oxfam Great Britain is looking for external individual consultants or consultancy firm to finalize the olive oil subsector strategy in coordination with MoA and different stakeholders. 

The consultant is expected to work with the secretariat at Ministry of Agriculture to finalize the olive oil sub sector strategy. This secretariat will be also supported by a steering committee, the external consultant/consulting firm and an advisor from Oxfam GB, PARC, UWAC, POOC and FAO. The secretariat is responsible of designing and implementing the elaboration process of the strategy. The consultant is expected to work with the secretariat to interact with relevant sector stakeholders in order to prepare the content of the strategy and action plan as well as estimated cost of programs and projects linked with the geographical zones.

The consultant is expected to have several years of experience working in developing strategies, especially in the agriculture sector and experience in working with different stakeholders in the olive oil sector and conducting comprehensive stakeholders’ analysis. Exceptional written skills is essential, demonstrable through submission of written reports along with excellent analytical skills and ability to consolidate findings and clearly present recommendations and ways to move forward.

For the complete Terms of Reference, please contact Amal Abu Srour on the following phone number: 00972 (0) 592 778864 or by e-mail: [email protected]

Firms or individuals interested in applying to this assignment should present an offer with a comprehensive detailed budget to include: daily fees and expenses, no later than 25/04/2013

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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title OXFAM GB CONSULTANT Finalization of a Strategy for the Oli
Deadline 25 - Apr - 2013
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
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