POSITION#3: Speech Therapist

Job Description
منظمة اطباء العالم  -سويسرا                                                          وزارة الصحة
Ministry of Health seeks candidates for the following positions to work in the mental
health center for children and adolescents located in Halhoul, as a joined project
between MoH, MDM-Suisse, UNDP &AFD.

Duration of all vacancies: starting 01/07/09 for one-year Full time (some modifications
are possible according to the needs and the context).
Job location of all vacancies: Halhoul, Hebron governorate
POSITION#3: Speech Therapist
• University degree in speech therapy or related field
• At least two years of working experience in this field
• Good computer skills; Good English speaking
Main duties
• To identify and diagnose disorders in clients; to participate in outcome measurements; to provide physical therapy; to set up a program of speech exercises and development of learning skills activities; to set up and follow up rehabilitation program and counseling services;
• To write reports on activities
Please send CV and cover letter with the position nº# by email at:
mdmch_psy@ hotmail.com or by fax: 02-5849876 no later than11/06/09. The dates of interview will be communicated to short listed candidates only. We encourage applicants from Hebron district/Halhoul.

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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title POSITION#3: Speech Therapist
Deadline 11 - Jun - 2009
Location Hebron
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: