Intent of Pre-Qualification
The Civic Participation Program (CPP) is soliciting submission of pre-qualification data from active civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Gaza Strip interested to engage in CPP activities to implement Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) to provide a wide range of extracurricular activities to children from different geographical locations of the Gaza Strip. Broadly, the purpose of CFSs is to support the resilience and well‐being of children and young people through community organized, structured activities conducted in a safe, child friendly, and stimulating environment. CPP will include the selected organizations in a roster of prequalified CSOs eligible and qualified to receive its solicitations and requests for applications through an open competitive process prior to CFS implementation.
Catholic Relief Services is an international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States and has been present in the Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza since 1961. The CRS JWBG country program currently supports development/relief programs and activities in the sectors of civil society, humanitarian assistance, youth development, education, and peace & justice. For further information about CRS, please visit:
The Civic Participation Program is a five year USAID initiative implemented by CRS that aims to reinvigorate civic participation in the Palestinian Authority (PA) decision-making process, in the monitoring and oversight of government institutions, and in the broader public sector discourse. The Program will also work to increase the viability of Palestinian civil society organizations as well as more broadly promoting civil society’s development throughout the West Bank and Gaza. Due to the consequences of the recent military operations in the Gaza Strip, CRS and USAID are implementing an Emergency Response to distribute non-food items, water, psychosocial services, and medical supplies to hospitals. As part of the emergency response activities, CFS will offer psychosocial services, participatory learning, academic enrichment, and life skills to children aged between 6 and 16 years from both genders and different locations of the Gaza Strip.
Interested organizations should meet these Basic Requirements:
-CSO is an officially registered as non-profit organizations with legal status granted by PA authorities with demonstrated capacity to comply with all applicable administrative legal requirements and fiscal regulations, including but not limited to the Palestinian NGOs Law.
-CSO was established at least two years prior to the date of this solicitation.
-CSO can document past experience of implementing a project with a minimum budget of $10,000, implementing similar activities linked to CFS objectives.
-CSO should demonstrate a respectable level of transparency and good governance.
-CSO complies with USAID and CRS rules and regulations.
-CSO is willing to address its capacity development needs if necessary.
Interested CSOs are invited to request the prequalification form via one of the following means;
1) Send an email to request for prequalification form at
2) Visit CRS Gaza field office to request the prequalification form at the address
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
5th Floor – Tomooh Building (Jawwal Building)
Ahmed Ben Abdul Aziz Street – Remal- Gaza City
3) Call CRS Gaza field office at: +972 8 288 1167/8 to contact Ms. Mirna Ayyad
CRS Gaza filed office is open Sunday – Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Please note that all forms have to be submitted before 21 January 2015, therefore CSOs are encouraged to approach CRS Gaza field office adequate time before the submission deadline., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.