Program Officer

Job Description

Vacancy Announcement
Program Officer
The NGO Development Center (NDC) is a non-profit Palestinian organization whose main function is to empower non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to respond to the needs of the poor and marginalized in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In line with NDC’s mandate, NDC is currently seeking to fill the position of Program Officer to be based at its office in Al-Ram.
ملاحظة هامة : هذه الوظيفة تتطلب درجة ماجستير و3 سنوات خبرة الرجاء اذا كنت لا تمتلك المؤهلات المطلوبة عدم التقدم للوظيفة
Post Title: Program Officer (West Bank)
Reports to: Grants Programs Manager
Location: Al Ram

The Program Officer is a member of the NGO Grant Facility and reports to the Grants Programs Manager. He/she is responsible for field implementation of grant programs, including needs assessment studies, appraisal of submitted proposals, monitoring and supervision of projects implemented by the recipient NGOs.

Responsibility of the Program Officer:

• Conducts field and full appraisal of grant applications submitted to the NDC for funding and provide recommendations to the Technical Assessment Committee (TAC).
• Monitors grant implementation and ensures adherence to work plans, budgets, projected outputs, etc.
• Provides hands-on technical assistance to grant recipients.
• Reviews and approves grant recipient reports, and prepares periodic status and progress reports of sub-grants or projects.
• Draft agreements notification/rejection letters to new applicants, prepare amendemnts to GIAs as needed.
• Develop detailed periodic activity plans as required.
• Contribute to the setup and development of new procedures/guidelines/application
forms to respond to newly funded programs and grants.

Education and Experience:

- M. Sc in Social Science, Engineering, Development Studies, Public or Business Administration.
- Have at least 3 years of experience and knowledge of the NGO sector.
- Have experience in project management cycle, procurement and managing bids and contracts.
- Have excellent spoken and written English and Arabic language skills.
- Have excellent knowledge of Microsoft office applications.
- Have a valid driving license.

Detailed information about the post and its terms of reference are posted on NDC website at
Interested applicants should submit their resumes with a cover letter (indicating the post applied to) addressed to the NDC Director no later than December 17, 2009 at the
following address: [email protected]
Only short listed candidates will be contacted, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Program Officer
Deadline 17 - Dec - 2009
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Engineering
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: