Project Accountant

Job Description

Project Accountant

The National Society for Rehabilitation, NSR – Gaza Strip

The National Society for Rehabilitation, hereafter known as NSR - Gaza strip was established in 1990. It started working under the title “National Committee for Rehabilitation in Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip until 1993. At that time, there was a clear lack of services and rehabilitation in particular. Then, NSR was registered at the Ministry of Interior under No. 2095 as a charitable organization.

It was initially composed of the following members:- (Red Crescent Society, Near East Council of Churches /DSPR-Gaza, Arab Women Union, Central Blood Bank Society, YMCA, Ahly-Arab Hospital, UNRWA, Arab-Medical Association). In 1993, NSR started its activities in Beach Refugee and Bureij Refugee Camps, through building the first model of Community-Based Rehabilitation Program (CBRP). Then, as a result of achievements, NSR has generalized the concept of CBR and administered it over 25 geographical localities in the Gaza strip, which includes four governorates; Rafah, Khan Younis, Middle Zone, and Gaza. Thus, CBR covers about 75% of the total area of Gaza strip and population. But NSR works in all over the Gaza Strip.

As part of a partnership agreement signed with Handicap International in order to implement a project funded by MOFA Luxemburg entitled “Multi-stakeholder initiative towards a more effective response to Persons with Disabilities' needs and demands in the State of Palestine”; Also, a project funded by and EU / NSA entitled “Fostering multi-stakeholders mobilization for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in their community in marginalized areas of oPt”, 
The projects will respond to common inclusion challenges in North Gaza, Gaza, and Middle Area by focusing on three main strategies of intervention: technical support to managers, professionals and community workers providing services to PWDs; development of multi-stakeholder collaboration mechanisms; and support to referral networks in particular to socio-economic services.

NSR is currently seeking to fill the following position:

Position Title: Project Accountant
Location: Gaza
Accountable To: Finance Admin Manager and Project Coordinator
Duration: 6 months, with possibility of extension upon performance satisfaction
Job Type: Part time

Tasks and Responsibilities: 
-Recording and Bookkeeping of financial transactions includes payments, receipts and other journal entries.
-Prepare payment requests and get the needed approvals. This entails control of supporting documentation for vouchers/invoices and checking for correctness of expenditure lines and budget project codes against which the payment requests are issued.
-Timely and accurate preparation of financial  reports, in compliance with the financial obligations stated in the signed partnership agreement
-Provide Logistic support and conduct procurements (obtain validated purchase requests, collect quotations, prepare summary bid analysis, and issue purchase orders) in accordance to established policies and procedures.
-translate all supportive documents as well as invoices  and receipts into English
-work closely  with the Project Coordinator (budget holder), for budget follow up , proposed budget reallocations , cash forecast and other issues related to purchases.
-Participate in preparing staff work contracts.
-Follow up staff attendance sheet and ensure that the process for taking paid leaves, sick leaves; is respected (documents filled, validation of the concerned persons).
-Maintain up to date archiving system for  the financial reports , and staff work contracts.( both soft and hard copies)
Professional Qualifications:
-BA in business Administration preferably in finance or accounting.
-Appropriate professional experience of at least 2 years with local NGOs.
-Preferably experience with EU projects
-Very good in written and spoken English especially in the Accounting field.
-Able to work in a team and under supervision.
-Excellent experience in the usage of computers and Microsoft office software packages and advance knowledge of spreadsheets.
-Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
-Excellent reporting skills.

لتصلك اخر برامج التشغيل والوظائف في قطاع غزة على جوالك وبدون رسوم  ارسل حرف  غ  للرقم 37953

Interested candidates with relevant education and experience are encouraged to send their CV by email to

[email protected]

no later than 11th of July 2015.

Applications from candidates with disabilities are especially welcome, particularly women.

All applications will be handled in strict confidence, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Project Accountant
Deadline 11 - Jul - 2015
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Full time
Position Level Entry Level
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: