Job Description

International Consultancy Assignment
International Consultant (Project Advisor)
Project: Creating a Business Enabling Environment for A Green economy in Palestine NEAR/TS -2016/381-805


PalTrade was established in 1998 as a non-profit, membership based organization to “lead the development of Palestinian export as a driving force for sustainable national economic growth”. Over the last 18 years PalTrade, as the mandated National Export Development and Promotion Organization has worked with Palestinian exporters, the wider export support and national partner network, international donor agencies and the international export support network, to deliver a positive impact on Palestinian export performance. In addition, PalTrade’s role as the Secretariat of the Palestinian Export Council (PEC) which aims to facilitate public / private partnership in the elaboration, coordination and monitoring of the Palestinian National Export Strategy ( NES ) in a manner that best enhances exports and international competitiveness have provided a unique opportunity for moving the export development agenda significantly to the forefront.

PalTrade has received a grant from the EU to implement a project titled “Creating a Business Enabling Environment for a Green Economy in Palestine” as part of European Union (EU), represented by the European Commission (EC), Support to Civil Society Organizations in Palestine – Economic Development and Local Authorities.

To that extent, PalTrade is seeking candidates with immediate availability for Project Advisor – Expert in Policy and Green Economy

Scope of work and Tasks

The international consultant’s main responsibility will be supervision of all activities and assisting in the work of all team members’, reviewing all deliverables of the project and counseling the team. Overseeing work execution and , monitoring project progress toward create a national policy that would foster a green enabling environment for Palestinian economic enterprises. This will include more focus on policy activities and leadership in the conception and the vision of implementation of the national policy and policy related agenda, beside advising in a formation of an effective mechanism for engaging public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the process of creating a green business enabling environment in which enterprises will be able to penetrate global markets…

Tasks and Responsibility

- Reviewing the inception report of the project , advise and supervise the re-design of the Project implementation.
- Reviewing of prepared document related to existing policies, regulations, standards and instruments and mapping of gaps, including reviews of related green economy policies, including those related to eco-entrepreneurship and eco-innovation focusing on the specific sectors targeted/selected, to build on existing information and identify gaps in knowledge and policy frameworks.
- Supervise the conducting of trade related missions for knowledge transfer on policy and innovation best practices to enable green economy and promote environmentally friendly practices, this include develop a methodology and pre-identified areas of focus.
- Supervise the conducting value chain analysis, for the three selected sectors to demonstrate the current business environment, existing obstacles, and required interventions to become green end environmentally friendly
- Supervise surveys and mapping activities
- Supervise the design and process of promoting public awareness on “switching to green”
- Development of preliminary recommendations on the key policies, economic instruments and capacity building measures necessary to enable the redirection of investment, the re-orientation of markets and the reshaping of business strategies and operation towards sustainability
- Counseling the steering Committee, log-frame and schedule of activities.
- Overall project monitoring and evaluation framework.
- Write terms of references for required national and international experts;
- Nominate potential experts to undertake specific tasks; and
- Overlook the implementation and quality control of the project and all Technical assistance that accompany the project; and
- Assign performance indicators for monitoring and evaluation;
- Support the development and finalization of annual and final reports.
- Review and provide feedback and endorse deliverables produced by national and international consultants who are going to be hired for:

- Reviewing the current legal and regulatory framework for green economy,
- Preparing awareness materials and conducting awareness workshops
- Conducting Demand survey
- Conduct companies’ assessment
- Market research consultants

- Reviewing the selection criteria for identifying developed and developing countries as well as international organizations to be visited during the trade missions, and key partners or institutions relevant to knowledge transfer from these countries.

- Review the criteria for choosing entrepreneurs participating in the project from three economic sectors that will be selected during the inception phase “as seen in the project document 3 sectors where identified for the project, .
- Review and Support the selection of strategic markets for the companies.
- Review current M&E framework and support in reviewing and preparing the visibility and commutation detailed plan which will include launching ceremony meeting, introduction workshops to introduce the project broadcasting radio spots and local television stations to ensure the outreach to largest possible number of potential beneficiaries during the inception phase. Requirements and Qualifications

Main Requirements

- The consultant needs substantive knowledge and experience on green economy, policy analysis, in the selected sectors. The task also requires specific skills on undertaking analysis and assessment with combined considerations of economic, social and environmental issues. Working experience with SMEs and different national stakeholders is an added advantage.

- The consultant should have an advanced degree in policy or environmental studies or natural science or engineering; proven abilities to carry out research, analysis and assessment with recommendations and identifying synergies; writing reports and proposals; good organisational and communication skills to interact with people inside and outside the project, and an awareness of a broad spectrum of green economy, policy analysis and sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Technical qualifications

- Proven work experience and wide knowledge in green economy in general and developing green products in specific.
- At least 10 years of experience and substantial proven work experience working on national policies relate to green enabling environment.
- Wide knowledge in export and market penetration programs for green products.
- Proven experience in advising governments and private sector representatives on green economy policy development frameworks.
- Proven experience in capacity building and training in the field of Green economy and development towards green produce.
- Wide knowledge of public and private sector consultations, needs and requirements.
- Strong analytical capacity, including the ability to analyze and articulate differences of positions among a large number of stakeholders and develop acceptable solutions.
- Experience and knowledge in different industrial and services sectors.
- Familiarity with Palestinian economy.
- Substantial experience in national projects management.

- Strong analytical, communication and interpersonal skills.
- Excellent English writing skills;
- Excellent Report Writing skills. Terms and conditions

The consultant should be present in Palestine for the implementation of this assignment as needed and approved between the Project manager and the consultant and per the approved work plan.


The selected consultant will report directly to the project manager.
Location and Duration of Assignment
The project will be implemented simultaneously in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem over 29 months from September 2017 to January 2020.

This is a home -based assignment , with frequency travels to Palestine up to 11 visit.
Travels required ( Per Diem, tickets, transportation) will be covered by the PalTrade upon agreement. ), per-diem will be calculated based on PalTrade’s system in Palestine, maximum per diem per day is 151 Euro .


Candidates who possess all the above requirements are encouraged to submit the following requirements to this email

[email protected]

- Cover Letter
- Updated CV
- Own related policy papers, projects implemented, or any relevant previous publications
- Propose Methodology for all over the implementation of the project activities.
- Financial offer in EURO includes (level of effort “number. of working days needed for this assignment, number of working days needed in Palestine.

Applications will not be received No later than 14th of September, 2017 at COB.12:00 pm Jerusalem time.

Please see the detailed project description and ToR ., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Project Advisor
Deadline 14 - Sep - 2017
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
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