Job Description

Project mid-term Evaluator

Project: “Market-Driven Economic Empowerment for Women and Youth”

The YWCA of Jerusalem, houses a Vocational Training Center and a Child Development Center and clusters all its programs under four main thematic areas: Economic Development, Women’s Rights Programs, Youth Leadership Training and Civic Engagement, Children Education and Cognitive Learning

The main purpose of this mid-term evaluation is to offer an independent assessment of the project's progress by analyzing its relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and orientation toward impact and sustainability. The aim of the evaluation is to make sure that the YWCA of Jerusalem has been answering to the main objectives and indicators of the project and learning lessons so as to continue and upgrade its work in this field making sure that the implementation of the plans has been following the objectives that have been drawn for the past years. Assess the project’s implementation to date, identifying factors that positively or negatively affect progress., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Evaluators are required to have:

  • Previous proven experience in performing evaluations to local NGOs and vocational training institutes.,
  • Quantitative and qualitative methodologies,
  • Experience in evaluating similar national development projects, with expertise in OECD/DAC. For at least 3 years.
  • Extensive experience with women and youth empowerment
  • Proficiency in Arabic and English language abilities as the report submission will be in 2 separate copies: Arabic and English languages.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the current challenges of youth in the oPt;
  • Good communication skills and ability to communicate with various stakeholders especially young women;
  • A good knowledge in the culture of the intervention area is important;
  • Ability to travel to East Jerusalem and surrounding areas in the west bank.
  • The technical expertise, linguistic skills, methodology, cultural and regional knowledge, acquaintance of the TVET and local market circumstances.
  • Ability to issue the related tax invoice as per the regulations applied in East Jerusalem.
Job Details
Job Title Project Evaluator
Deadline 12 - Mar - 2025
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 3 Years
Application Instructions

The evaluator’s offer should include the following:

  • Up-to-date CVs for all evaluators who will be directly involved in the evaluation process. The CVs should outline their relevant qualifications, experience, and expertise.
  • At least 3 reference letters stating the past experience.
  • The technical proposal should provide a detailed explanation of the evaluator’s approach and methodology for completing the evaluation. This should include:
  • A short explanation and justification of the methods to be deployed for the evaluation.
  • A description of how relevant cross-cutting issues (gender, GBV, inclusion of PwD and underserved women and youth or other thematic areas) will be incorporated into the evaluation process, as specified by the commissioning organization, based on the investigatory interest.
  • A detailed timeline of how the evaluation will be conducted, from start to finish.
  • A financial proposal in Israeli currency which includes a complete cost estimate that includes both, the fee as well as any ancillary costs to be incurred, such as transport, accommodation, fees for assistants, taxes, fees and costs of workshops in the scope of the evaluation etc. include all expenses the financial proposal should include a complete cost estimate, detailing:
    • The fee for the evaluation services.
    • The applicant must assume full responsibility for any costs related to the project, including but not limited to transportation, accommodation, taxes, fees, and any costs associated other activities within the scope of the evaluation in addition to any other expenses incurred during the course of the work.
  • A valid, registered tax invoice or Maqasa, in accordance with the relevant tax regulations.
  • Access to Jerusalem: The applicant must confirm that they have the ability to access Jerusalem and are able to deliver the services as outlined in the Terms of Reference (TOR)

Submission Deadline: The evaluator's offer must be submitted by  12 March 2025

Submission Method: Offers should be submitted digitally via email to [email protected]. Alternatively, if required, hard copies may be sent to the following address:
6 Ibn Jubair street, YWCA Building

All offers and any inquiries regarding the evaluation should be directed to [email protected].

when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: