Job Description

Ministry of Finance and Planning

Request for expressions of Interest

Individual Consultants

Public Financial Management Improvement Project (P162850)

The Palestinian Liberation Organization, for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority, has received financing from the World Bank, International Development Association in the amount of USD 3.5 million towards the cost of the Public Financial Management (PFM) Improvement Project (the Project).

The Project development objective (PDO) is to enhance the expenditure controls, financial accountability and procurement management of the Palestinian Authority. To achieve this PDO, the project will mainly cover four components: (i) Component 1- Improving Budget Expenditure Management, Financial Control and Cash Planning; (ii) Component 2- Improving Financial Accountability of the PFM System; (ii) Component 3- Modernizing Public Procurement; and (iv) Component 4- Project Management.

The Project will be implemented over 4 years by the Ministry of Finance and Planning (MOFP) in cooperation with the High Council for Public Procurement Policies (HCPPP) and State Audit & Administrative Control Bureau (SAACB). HCPPP will manage the implementation of Component 3. A Project Management Unit (PMU) will be established at the MOFP to manage the implementation of this project. It will be composed of a Project Manager, Procurement Specialist, Financial Management Specialist, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist and a Resident PFM Advisor, as well as consultants in various technical fields, to manage the overall implementation and coordination of the Project.

MOFP is considering the appointment of qualified Project Manager, Procurement Specialist and Resident PFM Advisor for the PMU. The PMU team will be housed within MOFP in Ramallah. The duration of each assignment is one year on a full-time basis, extendable to the full length of the Project (4 years). The expected start date is September 1, 2018 for the Project Manager and Procurement Specialist and January 1, 2019 for the PFM Advisor.

An individual Consultant shall be selected for each of the above-mentioned posts in accordance with the World Bank’s procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for Borrowers under Investment Project Financing dated July 1, 2016 (“Procurement Regulations”).

Project Manager

Scope of Work: The Project Manager will be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the execution of the Project and will be reporting to the Director General of International Relations. The Project Manager shall work in close cooperation with the Director of the PFM Development Department at the International Relations Directorate, the PMU staff and other relevant departments/units within MOFP as appropriate to implement, guide and supervise activities related to the execution of this project. He/she will be responsible for the following set of tasks:

Main tasks:

  • Supervising and directing all PMU staff in the performance of their respective duties and ensuring the efficient functioning of the PFM-PMU unit;
  • Monitoring and evaluating project activities and ensuring their coordination and integration with the relevant departments within MOFP, other ministries, authorities and the World Bank;
  • Preparing an annual work plan and budget based on inputs from implementing entities before the start of the fiscal year and submitting it to the DG of International Relations then to the World Bank for review and approval;
  • Preparing quarterly project progress reports (technical, financial and procurement) with inputs from the implementing entities.
  • Ensuring maintenance of Project accounts and timely preparation of interim evaluations and financial statements;
  • Consolidating an Annual Report after the end of the fiscal year, summarizing the major outputs of the Project;
  • Reviewing and approving or arranging for the review and approval by the appropriate authorities, of all reports, plans, specifications and other material related to the project;
  • Making necessary arrangements for the calling of bids, evaluations and awarding of contracts relating to the Project and obtaining the Bank’s no objections whenever needed as per the signed agreement;
  • Organizing and administering, in consultation with appropriate authorities of any technical assistance, training or fellowship programs included in the Project;
  • Transferring knowledge to the MOFP staff.
  • Performing other duties as may be assigned by the designated DG International Relations., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Minimum Required Qualifications

  • Postgraduate university degree (or relevant qualification, e.g. CPA or CA) in finance, accounting, or other relevant field, with a minimum of 10 years’ relevant experience in fragile state context with strong technical leadership in the PFM sector environment;
  • Seniority as demonstrated by leadership ability, technical skills in the areas supported by the project, and years of management experience in overseeing the implementation of medium–term development projects and their monitoring and evaluation processes;
  • Demonstrated ability to build effective working relations with colleagues and clients, and capable of working under pressure, with good experience in leadership and strategic management of project team at national level;
  • Track record of proven achievements in Public Reform Agendas;  A charismatic change agent - with extensive experience in context specific - practical techniques for change management;
  • Proven experience in Project Management, coordinating, cooperating and negotiating with high level Government officials, donor partners and multitude of local stakeholders;
  • Significant experience in Middle Eastern countries including West Bank and Gaza;
  • Complete fluency and writing skills in Arabic and English;
  • Knowledge of World Bank fiduciary procedures- procurement and financial management is a plus.
Job Details
Job Title Project Manager
Deadline 07 - Aug - 2018
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Management
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 10 Years
Application Instructions

Interested candidates are requested to send their CVs and a cover letter to the Ministry of Finance and Planning – The International Relations and Projects Directorate, at this email address: [email protected]

The closing date for applying is COB of Aug 7, 2018. Please clearly indicate the position to which you are applying in the subject line of your email.

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