Project Manager / Water Engineer
Job Description
Job Title: Project Manager / Water Engineer
Reports to: Programs Manger
Duty Station: Tubas-ESDC office
Project Duration : 48 Months
Background Information:
Oxfam Germany is responsible for the implementation and accountability of the project to BMZ.
Oxfam in OPTI will coordinate and implement the project with three local partners, ESDC, UCAS and PARC. Economic & Social Development Centre (ESDC): will focus on access to water, irrigation, and agriculture livelihoods support (Outcome 1 and Outcome 2), in West Bank and Gaza Strip.
University College of Applied Sciences (UCAS): will focus on youth entrepreneurship (Outcome 2). Palestinian Agricultural Development Association (PARC): will focus on DRR (Outcome 3)." Resilient Communities: Supporting vulnerable and affected Palestinian communities to transition to more resilient, sustainable, and equitable economic growth in the Gaza Strip and the Jordan Valley”
The Project consists of several activities in Jordan Valley and Gaza Strip.
Project objective: Vulnerable communities and local actors in the Jordan Valley and Gaza have strengthened resilience to cope with and mitigate risks associated with Covid-19, conflict, and climate risk. .
ESDC is seeking a qualified project manager of water engineering background with the demonstrable capacities to carry out the scope of work according to the TOR of this assignment to achieve the set outcomes and outputs through the set activities.
Under supervision of the programs manager, the water project manager will manage all project’s activities with focus on access to domestic and irrigation water, and agriculture livelihoods support (Outcome 1 and Outcome 2), manage all water related work related to the project , lead the project team , coordination of counterparts work, put and monitor the project plan, delver the reports, develop the good's specifications and TOR , participate in tender opening and regularly monitor implementation of project related activities. . Plan and organize field visits for partner organization, schedules and responsibilities related to his job and which reflect the project’s priorities. Under the direction of the program’s manager, verify information and work output stated in reports and responsible for applying ensure quality standards forms and guidelines. Prepare BOQ, s, specifications, reports for interventions. Report to programs manager about any incidents of non-compliance or discrepancies in work implementation.
Demonstrate a quality of work and standards.
- Work under the overall guidance of the ESDC programs manager (PM), and work actively within the broader ESDC team. In the field, monitor implementations and achievements as it relates to scope and duties and project objectives.
- Manage, plan and coordinate work and manage project resources.
- Technically direct and supervise activities and to ensure their timely fulfillment of submitted work plans, timetables, agreements and reporting.
- The project manager is responsible for conduction of in-depth need assessment and identifying the technical specifications and designs.
- Review contractors reports with PM to verify standards and specification accuracy and completeness of work and that reported information reflects the actual implementation on the ground.
- Coordinate closely with other ESDC M&E in relation to specifications and quality.
- Provide technical assistance as required and necessary to all stakeholders.
- , monitor and evaluate contractors performance. Make recommendations where necessary to adjust work methodology, implementation standards and requirements in cooperation with M&E
- Assist in the analysis of activity funding and Environment impact assessment (EIA).
- Conduct regular field visits to monitor activities, implementation and work quality. Monitor and ensure their compliance with expected work standards and design specifications, specifically construction and installation work specifications and quality. Prepare and submit a report to PM for each field visit highlighting all key findings. Maintain communication with PM and M&E providing relevant operational information and report any incident of incompliance in a timely manner.
- Participate actively in the technical meetings to answer any raised questions related to water related.
- Coordinate with the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) and other related stakeholders on work implementation. Advise on the best practices for coordination, planning and implementation of water activities work, including methodology and utilization of proposed technologies, as well as permit perusing mechanism.
- Perform other related duties as required.
- Preparing the requested reports for the project and for ESDC.
- Supervise the 2 field coordinators in WB & Gaza and follow up their work., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Job Requirements
Required Qualifications: -
- At least Bachelor's degree in Water Engineering.
- At least 5 years’ experience in such projects management of water related activities, water supply networks, Irrigation water carrier lines, water reservoirs artesian wells, design, BOQ’s and specifications, tendering, construction, rehabilitation…etc.
- Team player & team leadership ability
- Very good English
- Good computer skills.
Job Details
Job Title
Project Manager / Water Engineer
11 - Jul - 2021
Job Type
Full time
Position Level
Mid Career
Bachelor's degree
5 Years
Application Instructions
Interested professionals should submit a resume and cover letter by July 11, 2021. Applications should be addressed to:
Note: Only short listed candidates for an interview will be contacted
when applying to a job online , never give your
credit card or bank account information,
or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection:
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