Job Description

Terre des hommes (Tdh) Lausanne is a leading organization worldwide on child rights and has been supporting child protection, humanitarian assistance, and access to justice programming in Palestine since 1973, working for 50 years with local partners, communities, families, children, and youth.

The Role

For this position, Tdh is seeking an experienced Project Manager who is familiar with the context of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) programming.  The role requires confident project management skills, flexible and collaborative interpersonal skills, cultural sensitivity, capacity to engage with children and beneficiaries and enhance participation of the rights holders.  The Project Manager will be responsible to manage all aspects of project implementation including budget, networking, partner's capacity building and reporting. S/he should combine managerial and technical leadership and experience managing similar projects, with a broader knowledge of programdevelopment, gender, and protection mainstreaming expertise.

Project Management and Development

  • Ensure planning of the project in accordance with project’s objectives, activities and targets outlined within Project Documents and in line with project’s budgets.
  • Ensure a strong coordination across West Bank and a unified coherence in the project vision, implementation, monitoring and reporting.
  • Close coordination, monitoring and follow-up with the project partners including in relation to their project-related activities with CBOs to ensure timely implementation as per their work plans and to validate payments as per the agreed budget and in line with Tdh and donor’s financial and procurement policies and procedures. Provide orientation to partners on Tdh policies/procedures as needed and based on the partners’ due diligence assessment.
  • Ensure that activities are implemented appropriately and with quality, as per the project workplan and timeline, and in line with donor and Tdh standards and procedures. Keep the donor updated on implementation challenges and foreseen delays and propose corrections/amendments as necessary.
  • Plan and organize regular meetings with representatives of local authorities and other stakeholders working on GBV and SRHR in Palestine.
  • In collaboration with the Senior Program Manager and Senior Finance Manager, forecast expenditures and track activities expenses on monthly basis.
  • Prepare and update regularly the project follow up sheet (PFU) as per Tdh standards.
  • Ensure proper and regular documentation of all project activities in the West Bank and monthly management of sources of verification.
  • Lead the drafting and submission of donor reports, and follow-up with partners for timely inputs.
  • Work closely with MEAL colleagues in order to support the development and implementation of appropriate monitoring and evaluation data for the project.
  • Make regular field visits to West Bank and to the partners, to monitor and support the project activities.
  • Assist in the identification and development of new opportunities for GBV programming and funding.


Coordination with actors and stakeholders


  • Actively participate in relevant cluster meetings and sub-groups including AoRs, GBV SC, etc.
  • Identify the service providers in targeted areas and continuously update the mapping of services.
  • Support service providers, including institutional services providers such as MoSD, in coordinating services and strengthening best practices mainstreaming to make sure that children and GBV survivors have access to all needed services.
  • Sustain and broaden networks in the area of intervention with any services, stakeholders, and authorities necessary to handle GBV case management activities/support in an effective manner.
  • Network with actors and entities working in GBV and SRHR related areas in the interest of information sharing and mainstreaming case management best practices.
  • Pursue capacity building and best practices dissemination with other key stakeholders and services providers.

 Child safeguarding Policy- Safety and Security

  • Knows and implements institutional policies on security, child protection, PSEA and Code of Conduct and fraud prevention, in their day-to-day work.
  • Commits to ensure the best implementation possible of the Tdh Child Safeguarding Policy (CSP) in her/his area, including participation in annual audit, and reviews and updates of action plan.
  • Commits to inform the Country Representative and/or the National Safeguarding Focal Point and/or the Tdh Concern global mechanism about any case of any allegations or suspected transgression of the CSP.


  • Knows and implements all institutional policies and internal regulations of Terre des hommes
  • Respects Terre des hommes security procedures in country.
  • Supports the organization and facilitation of field visits for relevant staff, consultants and donor representatives.
  • Any other duty as required by the line supervisor., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
  • This role requires a mastery of Personal, Social and Leadership Competencies (PSLC), Technical and Methodological Competencies (TMC) and Management and Strategic Competencies (MSC)

In particular:

  1. Familiar with GBV and SRHR programming
  2. Leading excellent communication skills with external parties.
  3. Manages time and priorities, meets deadlines.
  4. Cooperates and contributes to achieving goals.
  5. Respect for others.
  6. Ability to resolve conflicts.

 As well as the following specific “professional” competencies:  
*Reference Document: Professional competencies framework 

  • Cooperates and contributes to achieving goals.
  • Communicates in a clear, concise and responsible way.
  • Shares knowledge and masters the tools and applications both general and activity-specific based.
  • Collects the necessary information regarding professional.

 Education / Qualifications

 Social Work, Social Science, Psychology, counseling, development, business administration or any related fields. A master’s degree in related areas is a strong asset.

  • Minimum five years related experience in project management (preferably in GBV, SRHR programming) development, business administration or any other related fields.
  • Knowledge and interest of gender issues and disability, and ability to mainstream gender and disability into programming.
  • Experience working with local partners and community mobilization.
  • Strong organizational and planning skills.
  • Strong communication skills, both oral and written, in both Arabic and English.
  • Proven experience/ability and willingness to travel regularly to West Bank and Gaza.
  • Valid driving license and ability to drive to project localities.

Tdh Global Code of Conduct and Risk Management Policies:

 Fully complies with Tdh’s Global Code of Conduct and systematically reports any breach to the Code through the whistleblowing procedure: raises awareness within the Foundation on abuse and violence and the rights deriving therefrom, respecting the rights and dignity of children, members of the communities and our own Staff

Commits to respecting Risk Management Policies including: Safeguarding Policies (Child Safeguarding Policy, Policy on the Protection against Sexual Exploitation and the Directive on Staff Misconduct at the Workplace), Safety and Security Policy and Anti-Fraud/Corruption and Prevention of the Financing of Criminal Activities Policies

Commits to reducing the risk of abuse and harm by developing a culture of open and informed leadership within the organization and in our work with children and the communities in which we intervene in.

Job Details
Job Title Project Manager
Deadline 20 - Jun - 2024
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary 126,924 NIS/Annually-160,116/N
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 5 Years
Category Other
Application Instructions

Interested candidates should send their resume with motivation letter on or before Thursday 20th of June 2024 to [email protected] indicating your name, surname and the job title ( Project Manager) in the subject line of your e-mail application. Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline will be disregarded.

Please note that while Tdh values every application, the recruitment process may be concluded ahead of schedule should Tdh identifies a candidate who meets all the requirements. Tdh encourages interested applicants to submit their applications promptly.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply and those shortlisted will be contacted.

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