Proposal for End of Impunity International Day / Communicati

Job Description

Ref RAM/2017/CI/HT/274

UNESCO: Request for Proposals: Debate and Advocacy Campaign on the International Day to End  Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

Deadline: 17 October 2017
Assignment finalization period: 30 November 2017

The UNESCO Ramallah Office is requesting a written proposal for the assignment described below, to engage an experienced organization/party to conduct a debate and advocacy campaign on the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, in the context of the NET-MED Youth Project, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNESCO and the support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).


UNESCO Ramallah Office is planning to conduct an activity to commemorate the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists through conducting a debate that will gather decision makers, journalists and media representatives on  2nd  of November 2017. This activity aims at raising this issue into discussion in Palestine among the concerned stakeholders in an attempt to come out with recommendations and policies to ensure the ending of impunity in order to save journalists and the freedom of expression from being at risk.
In order to engage the public in the activity in the aim of raising public awareness towards this subject, its planned to conduct an advocacy campaign using different tools and methods. This campaign’s main objective is to encourage youth to take part in this matter to guarantee their engagement and knowledge.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted at its 68th session in 2013 which proclaimed 2 November as the ‘International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists’ (IDEI). The Resolution urged Member States to implement definite measures countering the present culture of impunity. The date was chosen in commemoration of the assassination of two French journalists in Mali on 2nd of November 2013.  The focus on impunity of this resolution stems from the worrying situation that over the past decade, more than 800 journalists have been killed for bringing news and information to the public. In 2015 alone, the UNESCO Director-General condemned the killing of 115 journalists, media workers, and social media producers of public interest journalism. In 2012, the deadliest year for journalists, 123 cases were condemned.
These figures do not include the many more journalists who on a daily basis suffer from non-fatal attacks, including torture, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention, intimidation and harassment in both conflict and non-conflict situations. Furthermore, there are specific risks faced by women journalists including sexual attacks.
When attacks on journalists remain unpunished, a very negative message is sent that reporting the “embarrassing truth” or “unwanted opinions” will get ordinary people in trouble. Furthermore, society loses confidence in its own judiciary system which is meant to protect everyone from attacks on their rights. Perpetrators of crimes against journalists are thus emboldened when they realize they can attack their targets without ever facing justice.
Society as a whole suffers from impunity. The kind of news that gets “silenced” is exactly the kind that the public needs to know. Information is quintessential in order to make the best decisions in their lives, be it economic, social or political. This access to reliable and quality information is the very cornerstone of democracy, good governance, and effective institutions.
For its part, UNESCO will work with its field offices around the world and with partners across the spectrum to ensure a success of this special opportunity to make a difference.

Objectives and Expected Results of the assignment

The main objective of the activity will be to stress on the need to implement definite measures countering the present culture of impunity through raising the issue to discussion among decision makers, journalists and media representatives. The activity aimed at drawing attention to the issue of impunity and finding ways to overcome it within the Palestinian context.  It is also important to ensure youth engagement in this specific issue that is part of building a democratic society based on the youth knowledge and awareness towards this day. In order to achieve this goal, an advocacy campaign will be implemented that will use different methods and tools such as social media platforms interaction.

The specific objectives of the activity will be:

-To open discussion between decision makers, journalists and media representatives through a round table debate;
-To raise awareness towards the issue of impunity and its effects on the journalists’ safety;
-To identify the policies and methodologies needed to ensure the end of impunity in the Palestinian context; and
-To engage the Palestinian youth in the issue through creating a group to implement an advocacy campaign using different tools and methods.

The expected results of the activity are:

a.    A well-organized debate that gathered decision makers, journalists and media representatives who conducted a rich discussion on the subject matter (both in West Bank and Gaza).
b.    Increased understanding among participants and a reduced gap between all attended parties.
c.    A well engaged youth in the subject through an effective and active advocacy campaign.
d.    The selected organization/party will undertake this activity within the framework of UNESCO’s NET-MED Youth project, which contributes to media pluralism by supporting the improved representation of young people from diverse social groups in mainstream, community and social media platforms, as well as by promoting gender-sensitive media content and policies. 

Specifically, the selected organization/party shall carry out the tasks as shown in the matrix below. Interested parties should provide, in their response to this call for proposal, the proposed budget for each: 

The assignment is expected to take place between 2-8 November 2017. The contract will be issued in October 2017.

Roles and responsibilities

UNESCO Ramallah office will:

a)    Host an initial inception meeting to provide suggestions on approaches for the development of the activity;
b)    Share relevant material to be considered in the development of the event and the advocacy campaign;
c)    Review drafts for all deliverables and request revisions where necessary;

The interested organizations/party will:

a)    Prepare a detailed action plan to present at the inception meeting, implement the tasks according to the agreed work plan, in regular consultation and coordination with the UNESCO Ramallah Office;
b)    Ensure that reporting requirements are met to the highest standards and
c)    Ensure that the expected outputs are delivered within agreed deadlines

Qualifications and experience of interested organization/party

It is mandatory for the interested organization/party to have the following qualification and experience:

-    At least 5 Years of experience in the field of Media and Advocacy;
-    Previous proven experience of similar activities carried out previously;
-    Availability to carry out the activity in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) during the contract period as necessary;
-    The team should within itself have excellent communication skills in Arabic and English as well as excellent writing and reporting skills in English.
-    Previous working experience with UNESCO, other UN agencies and International NGO’s is of added-value.
How to apply

By the deadline date of 16 October 2017, please submit ALL of the following via email to: 

[email protected]

Including the subject: Proposal for End of Impunity International Day – Communication & Information 

-    A proposal (2-3 pages) for the activity (including work plan of the proposed activities, time-line and budget quoted in US dollars per task, according to the outputs/deliverables foreseen)
-    A description of the proposed team, including CVs.
-    A description / profile of the organization/party interested in undertaking the assignment.

Missing, unclear or incomplete information or documentation and evidence of experience as requested above, may exclude you from further consideration., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Proposal for End of Impunity International Day / Communicati
Deadline 16 - Oct - 2017
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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