Protection Coordinator
Job Title Protection Coordinator
Duty station Tubas, Hebron or Ramallah, with frequent visits in all West Bank offices
Reports to CPA Specialist (line management)
Accountable to Global Protection Expert (technical supervision)
Work in Coordination with Area managers, program unit, social and protection team
Duration 12 months, renewable
WeWorld-GVC (WW-GVC)
is an independent Italian organization emerged from the union between GVC NGO (constituted in Bologna in 1971) and WeWorld (founded in Milan in 1999), with the aim of increasing the impact of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid projects in 29 countries, including Italy.
WW-GVC is one of the implementing partners for the project titled “Prevention of the forcible transfer of Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, through humanitarian assistance and evidence-based advocacy”, funded by DG ECHO (the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Department and Civil Protection) and also implemented by Action Against Hunger, ACTED, Première Urgence Internationale, Norwegian Refugee Council and Médecins du Monde, within the framework of the West Bank Protection Consortium (WBPC)
WeWorld-GVC works mostly with girls, boys, women and youth, actors of change in every community for a fairer and more inclusive world. Supports people overcoming emergencies and guarantees a life with dignity, opportunities and a better future through human and economic development programs, in the framework of the 2030 Agenda. Joining the WeWorld-GVC team means being part of the development of a dynamic organization where the contribution of each staff member is promoted and valued, working together towards the collective achievement of shared goals and vision. At present, the main donors are Italy (AICS), the EU (DG ECHO), UNICEF, OCHA, and Belgium (DGD).
WeWorld-GVC Palestine is recruiting a Protection Coordinator who works, as a member of the Program Unit of the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) mission, under the direct responsibility of the CPA Specialist and the technical supervision of the Global Protection Expert. She/he works in coordination with: Project Coordinators, Area Managers, Field Teams, including Protection officers and Community Development Officers, as well as the implementing partners / service providers.
The Protection Coordinator provides technical oversight of protection and gender activities in the oPt, with specific responsibility for overseeing the WeWorld-GVC Individual Protection Approach as part of the Community Protection Approach (CPA,; Gender based violence (GBV) in addition to protection integrated programming. The Protection Coordinator will ensure that activities under his/her oversight are implemented in compliance with minimum protection standards and WeWorld-GVC ‘s SOPs
The Protection Coordinator works closely with the National CPA Specialist, based in the oPt, and the Global Protection Expert and the Integrated Protection Development and Analysis Area (IPDAA) based in Tunisia, coordinating as well closely with the Project Coordinators to ensure protection activities are implemented in line with the overall objectives of the projects / programs.
Main Responsibilities:
The main responsibilities of the Protection Coordinator are: to implement the protection strategy of the organization in the country, and to assure the high-quality implementation and consistency of WeWorld-GVC’s referral mechanism methodology /Individual Protection Approach (IPA)),, as well as follow up, monitoring and tracking of related internal, external and self-referrals.
Specific functions and tasks:
Under direct supervision of the CPA (Community Protection Approach) Specialist and in technical coordination with the Global Protection Expert, he/she performs a cross-cutting role within the oPt mission with a variety of functions and tasks in close collaboration with the field teams, including protection officers and community development officers:
- To develop the protection strategy that contribute to WeWorld-GVC programmatic strategy in the oPt based on WeWorld-GVC´s protection and gender strategy.
- Support the Program Unit in resource mobilization and seeking new funding opportunities for the implementation of the WeWorld-GVC’s IPA component.
- Support the implementation of the referral mechanism of the WBPC and understand and promote complementarities with the IPA.
- Ensure the respect the WeWorld-GVC Code of Conduct, Prevention from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Harassment Policy (PSEAH) and Child Safeguarding Policy (CSP), ensuring the policy’s implementation and prompt notification of the CSP/PSEAH Focal Point with any information regarding potential breaches of the policy.
- Ensure, under the technical guidance of the Global Protection Specialist and the coordination with the National CPA Specialist, the contextualization and implementation of the IPA methodology and tools in the target communities and the required support related to the implementation of WeWorld- (CPA),
- Actively participate as the focal point of the Referral Mechanism Taskforce of the WBPC.
Technical Supervision
- Ensure daily support and identify and provide relevant trainings to develop and strengthen the operational technical skills of the mission (coordination and field) staff.
- Identify relevant capacity building opportunities to improve capacities of the field staff related to gender-based violence and child protection through internal resources and external actors.
- Ensure that the field and protection officers always apply the IPA component in the field in full respect of do no harm and protection principles,
- Ensure compliance of required procedures (including contextualization of relevant tools) and recommended tools for the identification, assessment, monitoring, and referring of PWSN.
- Support the monitoring of cases and manage through the IPA IMS module of the CPA Platform.
- Improve collection, management and systematization of related data.
- Provide technical support and assistance to projects teams and mainly in assessments design, planning, implementation, and reporting guaranteeing high quality standards.
- Ensure that the best interest of the rights-holder and an appropriate referral pathway is always prioritized in the field.
- Participate in the identification and assessment of IPA cases and support the protection officers in monitoring of the protection related concerns targeted by WeWorld-GVC actions and of their timely reporting following WeWorld-GVC internal procedures.
- Plan, elaborate, and ensure proper analysis of data collected.
- Ensure integrated protection and protection mainstreaming in all WeWorld-GVC project and proposals, and implementation of the projects.
- Support the field staff in the monitoring of the issuing of Stop Working Orders and Demolition Orders in all communities targeted by WeWorld-GVC actions, and of their timely reporting to the Area Managers following WeWorld-GVC internal procedures.
- Performs other related tasks as required, in coordination with the National CPA Specialist.
Management Tasks
- Work closely with key external stakeholders in the areas of Intervention, including maintaining and creating strong referral pathways though the WeWorld-GVC CPA platform.
- Engage service providers and increase partnerships regularly to support IPA effective implementation.
- Ensure that WeWorld-GVC active presence in the Protection Sector and relevant sub-working groups such as GBV and Child protection.
- Represent WeWorld-GVC with external stakeholders working in the Protection/gender fields
- Develop activity and work plans for protection activities.
- Develop and supervise the implementation of protection tools for the mission based on WeWorld-GVC Guidelines.
- Contribute to the inclusion and the analysis of Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) in the different steps of the project cycle.
- Proper filing of all related activities documents.
- Work closely with the partners and communities at the field level.
- Participate in the plan and design of the activities with other project staff.
- Communicate effectively with the WeWorld-GVC project team members, other staff of WeWorld-GVC as Head of Program, Head of Operation and the Global Protection Expert, through sharing information and discussing relevant concerns.
- Assist in the coordination of visits and meetings at the field level in coordination with other projects teams.
- Actively participate in staff meetings and other ad-hoc meetings or workshops as requested by the Projects Managers, Area Managers and Heads of Units.
- Ensure that all necessary logistics and administrative issues are completed based on WeWorld-GVC procedures and policies.
Reporting Tasks:
- Attend weekly meetings and draft monthly reports to discuss with the CPA Specialist and Global Protection Expert.
- Enrich and update the service provider mapping document, with focus on health, MHPSS, child protection sectors.
- Contribute to the internal and external reporting for Protection and/or Gender related issues.
- Contribute to the technical development of gender / protection strategy of intervention and activities for new initiative (i.e., Proposals). Plan, elaborate and ensure proper analysis of data collected, under the supervision of the CPA Specialist and in coordination with the National Research and Data Analysis Specialist.
- Support in Donor reporting and Age, Gender, and Diversity (AGD) mainstreaming.
Work with the IPDAA and Global Protection Expert
- Support the development of Global Protection / Gender SoPs, tools etc.
- Contribute to protection / gender global analysis
- Provide potential technical support to other Mission based on the needs identified by the Global Protection Expert
Other Issues
- Keep himself/herself updated on the communities’ situation and related protection risks, in coordination with the field staff.
- Assist WeWorld-GVC team in any other tasks and duties required, requested, and approved by the direct supervisor.
Institutional Outputs Responsibilities
- Weekly and monthly plans.
- Use of WeWorld-GVC share point, CPA Platform and IPA IMS.
- Minutes of meeting.
- Protection Mainstreaming within the Protection Community Profiles.
- Individual Protection Approach database improvement and update (in consultation with relevant team).
- Service Directory Regular Update.
- Timely deliverables according to Individual weekly and monthly plans., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Job Requirements:
Qualifications and Knowledge
- Master or equivalent in the international cooperation and other relevant field
- Proven studies related to Protection and Child Protection and Gender, Human rights or international law
- Competency in data collection and analysis based on global protection definitions.
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office, and in particular Excel, Word and PowerPoint.
- Proven experience and competence in community empowerment or social development.
- Proven studies and interest related to protection and gender.
- Deep understanding of the Palestinian context.
- Knowledge of Arabic; Good command of written and spoken English.
- Valid driving license, manual gear one is preferable
Professional experience
- At least 4/5 years of specific experience in the field of social science, implementing Protection, gender or Child protection projects
- Previous experience/knowledge in referral mechanisms
- Experience in community engagement.
- Representation experience with institutions and participation in coordination meetings
- Demonstrated experience working remotely
- Experience in data analysis
Personal Skills
- Leadership, planning, organization and teamwork skills
- Proactive and dynamic attitude
- Flexibility and ability to adapt and work under constraint, under pressure and in complex and multicultural contexts
- Interpersonal skills and intercultural approach
- Good listening and communication skills
- Strong commitment to the Mission of WeWorld-GVC, genuine interest for international cooperation development topics
- Integrity with regards to NGO values and ethical standards
- Cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
- Treats all people fairly without favoritism
Interested candidates should send their CV along with a cover letter, both in English and Position in the email subject, to
[email protected] no later than 18th July 2022