Protection Monitoring Consultant
Requesting mission: OpT mission, Gaza Field Office
Date: From November 2018
Program area and specific project involved: Gaza, ARA, ECHO Gaza Partnership (“Protecting at-risk vulnerable households and building an enabling environment for resilient communities in the Gaza Strip.
1. Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the ECHO Consortium project protection component in the Access Restricted Area (ARA), in Gaza, and particularly focusing on Restructuring of the referral mechanism for the ARA incidents related to IHL and IHRL violations, including:
- Improving data collection related to IHL/IHRL violations occurring in the ARA, collecting available information and, if needed, monitoring neglected incidents like those entailing property damages to complement existing databases;
- Developing methodology and approach to set up an institutionalized system (including verification of information on the field through protection assessment of incidents in pilot areas/sectors, i.e. incident reports), pending availability of resources and further coordination within the current humanitarian architecture, as needed.
2. Background
Première Urgence Internationale (PUI), is present in the oPt since 2002, intervening in the fields of humanitarian aid, emergency response & risk reduction and development.PUI Mission in OPT has a recognised expertise in protection information management and incidents response in the West Bank, under the umbrella of the West Bank Protection Consortium.
3. Scope of Work
- Design and develop a Protection Monitoring mechanism for the recording and response to protection incidents occurring within the Gaza Access Restricted Area, in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, including the collection of existing data and sources available, as well as the creation of a data collection especially dedicated to property damages. It entails data management, data analysis, and data exploitation systems, and the establishment of data management protocol, and data sharing agreements with all relevant stakeholders, in the respect of all protection principles;
- Mapping of actors able to respond to violations;
- Design and develop an effective referral mechanism to facilitate the access to adequate responsive services to the protection incidents victims in the ARA, in coordination with all relevant stakeholders, including the establishment of referral agreements with the relevant services providers;
- Coordinate and facilitate external relations and visibility related to the Protection activities in Gaza under the ECHO Consortium grant;
- Support the creation of sound monitoring and evaluation tools and systems for the Protection activities in the ARA, in coordination with the MEAL team;
- Coordinate the pilot of the Protection Monitoring mechanism;
- Facilitate the creation and execution of evidence based advocacy campaigns, in coordination with the Advocacy Coordinator for the oPt mission; and
- Prepare periodic reports on programmatic progress and financial utilization
- Support the coordination and implementation of the Protection activities under the Gaza ECHO Consortium Grant;
- Support the design and development of the ECHO Gaza Consortium Protection activities resources and tools;
4. Work Scheduale
The anticipated duration of the contract is 3 months, starting in November 2018. The consultant will work for PUI oPt mission on a full-time basis and be based in Gaza.
PUI will provide accommodation, daily transportation to work and for trips related to the assignment (field visits, meetings etc…). Any other expense should be assumed by the consultant and should be then included in the financial proposal.
5. Deliverables:
The consultant is expected to deliver the following key outputs:
- Design and develop a detailed Protection Monitoring mechanism for the recording and coordination of the response to protection incidents taking place in the ARA, Gaza
- Design and develop an effective referral mechanism and pathway for the response to protection incidents recorded through the monitoring mechanism, in collaboration with relevant actors in the UN-led cluster system and within the Partnership
- Propose a digitized monitoring system to enhance collection, analysis and dissemination of qualitative and quantitative data, with the support of technical staff.
- Monthly program reports on Protection activities, including narrative reports on progress towards expected results, updated logframes, and financial utilization.
- Contribute to communication and advocacy plan and materials on ARA Protection response, including: brochures and leaflets, press releases, blogposts, infographics and blurbs for social media and e-newsletters.
- Final progress report to PUI oPt Mission on completed tasks and progress towards planned outputs, as well as details recommendations for future development of the activities (work plan).
6. Type of supervision that will be provided:
The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Deputy Head of Mission for Program, with a daily / security report to the Gaza Office Field Coordinator. The supervisor will have frequent interactions with the consultant at various stages in order to brief the consultant on the situation/assignment; agree on the process and clarify the deliverables; provide feedback and comments on intermediary products; and track the progress made by the consultant. The supervisor, along with HQ’s Program Officer, will evaluate the consultant’s work and certify delivery of work., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Qualifications and specialized knowledge/experience required:
- Advanced university degree (Master) in IHL / IHRL, international relations, or a related discipline
- Minimum five years of work experience in Emergency Protection programing / protracted crisis, with at least three years in a complex environment
- Solid technical knowledge of Protection programming and IHL / IRHL related issues
- Demonstrated experience with program design, development and implementation, monitoring and evaluation using both quantitative and qualitative techniques.
- Previous work experience with PUI, and experience working in Gaza / in the oPt will be considered an asset.
Personal/organizational Competencies:
- A high level of organizational and coordination skills.
- High level of attention to detail.
- An excellent command of the English language – both written and oral.
- Ability to produce quality work within a deadline and under pressure.
- Highly developed communication skills.
- Motivated and has the ability to work independently as well as in a team environment.
- Interest in IHL and IRHL problematics
Qualified candidates are requested to submit an all-inclusive monthly fee, cover letter, CV and one written sample of previous work related to protection monitoring and surveillance via email to [email protected] and [email protected].
Please submit your application before November 15, 2018.