Protection Officer

Job Description

Country & Base of posting: Occupied Palestinian territory, Tubas

Reports to: Area manager, Protection Coordinator

Work in cooperation with: Area manager, Social Workers, CPA Specialist, it manager, pm

WeWorld-GVC (WW-GVC) is an independent Italian organization emerged from the union between GVC NGO (constituted in Bologna in 1971) and WeWorld (founded in Milan in 1999), with the aim of increasing the impact of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid projects in 29 countries, including Italy. 

Summary of Key Functions and Responsibilities

The scope of the Protection Officer main responsibilities are: to assure the high-quality implementation and consistency of the implementation of WEWORLD-GVC Protection Approach at field level

Specific responsibilities:

  • Provides technical support and assistance to projects teams and mainly in surveys designing, planning, implementation, reporting is done with high quality based on technical feedback from the Project Manager, the Area Manager and the Heads of Units.
  • Manage, mainstream and assure consistency of the implementation of WEWORLD-GVC Community-based Protection Approach in all targeted communities.
  • In charge of preparing, in collaboration with the social workers and PMs, the specific Work Plans of WEWORLD-GVC Community-based Protection Approach, and assuring its timely accomplishment.
  • Conduct Community Protection Approach (CPA) steps in field with the social workers and prepare the narrated protection analysis, communities Protection Response Plans (PRPs) and Community Profiles (CPs) on the CPA platform,
  • Monitoring of the issuing of Stop Working Orders and Demolition Orders in all communities targeted by WEWORLD-GVC actions, and of their timely reporting to the Area Manager and donors following WEWORLD-GVC internal procedures.
  • Systematize and elaborate synergies between the data collection methodologies and the WEWORLD-GVC database.
  • In close collaboration with the Advocacy and Policy department, producing deep Protection data analysis reflecting the Coercive environment impact on the communities; the changes occurred following the Intervention etc.
  • Producing factsheets for the external/diplomatic/ donor visits to the targeted communities.
  • Support in protection and gender mainstreaming in clusters related documents.
  • Support in implementation of Gender related projects in the area.
  • Support in identification and assessment of people with outstanding needs following the organization’s referral system procedures (Individual Protection Approach-IPA)
  • Performs other related tasks as requested by the organization.


Management and Admin Tasks:

  • Proper filing of all related activities documents.
  • Works closely with the partners and communities at the field level.
  • Participates in the plan and design of the activities with other project staff and project partners of the project and implementation plans.
  • Communicates effectively with the WEWORLD-GVC project team members, other staff of WEWORLD-GVC, through sharing information and discussing relevant concerns.
  • Assists in the Coordination of visits and meetings at the field level in coordination with other projects teams.
  • Actively participates in staff meetings and other ad-hoc meetings or workshops as requested by the Projects Managers, Area Manager and Sector Coordinators.
  • Ensures that all necessary logistics and administrative issues are completed based on WEWORLD-GVC procedures and policies.

Reporting Tasks:

  • Follows up and ensures submission of reports in a timely manner, of his/her own supervised activities and from partners according the WEWORLD-GVC existing reporting procedures.
  • Plan, elaborate and ensure proper analysis of data collected, under the supervision of the Protection Coordinator and in coordination with the Information Manager.
  • Ongoing review of the data inserted and displayed on the organization’s online platform.
  • Submit weekly plans and reports.

Other Issues:

  • Conducts needs assessments in coordination under the supervision of the Area Manager when required and requested
  • Keep updated and familiar with community situations.
  • Assess and keep eyes open on other NGOs interventions to avoid overlapping.
  • Assist the WEWORLD-GVC team in any other tasks and duties required, requested, and approved by the direct supervisor and/or the Sector Coordinators.
  • To have a good communication with the active organizations, and knowledge in the existing referral pathways.

Institutional Outputs Responsibilities:

  • Use of Online Calendar
  • Individual Action Plan
  • Minutes of meeting
  • Final Report on Protection Methodology implementation
  • Protection Response Plans
  • Protection Community Profiles
  • Timely deliverables according to Individual Action Plans, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in social works and data analysis, preferably with INGOs with solid background about local humanitarian and developmental context in Palestine.
  • University degree in relevant specialization like social science, environment, political science etc.
  • Competency in data collection and analysis based on global protection definitions.
  • Proven experience and competence in community empowerment or social development.
  • High interpersonal skills (management art) including but not limited to team building, communications, problem solving, facilitation, etc.
  • Knowledge in protection crosscutting issues (GBV, PSEA, child protection, etc) and safe referral pathways is preferable.
  • Good command of written and spoken English.
  • Valid driving license for automatic and/or manual cars, with clear history.
Job Details
Job Title Protection Officer
Deadline 24 - Nov - 2022
Location Tubas
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 3 Years
Application Instructions

Interested candidates should send their CV along with a cover letter, both in English and Position in the email subject, to
[email protected] no later than November 24, 2022.

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