Job Description
Médecins du Monde (MDM) France is an International Medical Organization, which has been present in the Palestinian Territories since 1995. It operates in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank through offices located in Jerusalem, Gaza and Nablus. 
MDM is currently looking for qualified candidates to fill the position of:
Psychologist, Gaza Base (2 Positions)
Starting date: August 1st, 2022
Type: Full Time Contract 
Duration:   08 Months 
All positions announced are conditional for funding availabilities and donors approvals.
Assist in the implementation of MHPSS activities of MdM France in Gaza Base and facilitate the delivery of a quality MHPSS activities on different levels 


  • Implement and follow-up MHPSS projects activities of MdM France under supervision of MH Manager.
  • Participate in capacity building activities for MdM France`s governmental and non-governmental partners. 
  • Implement technical supervision and follow-up activities for medical and non-medical MHPSS Teams.
  • Participate in the process of designing emergency response methodologies, field activities, preparedness and response plans.
  • Participate in the process of creating, capacitating, supervising and monitoring MHPSS teams and focal points under supervision and delegation by direct supervisor.   
  • Participate in the planning and scheduling of project activities if requested by the direct supervisor.
  • Assess training needs of MdM France partners and assist in organizing and providing MHPSS trainings accordingly in coordination with MH Manager.
  • Provide MHPSS technical supervision and follow-up for trained medical and non-medical, Specialised and non-Specialised teams.
  • Provide structured technical support related to GBV case`s MHPSS needs
  • Provide structured Technical information on case management for MHPSS cases.
  • Provide structured information on referral pathways and networking for MHPSS and GBV Cases


  • Create Data Collection and follow-up Tools for field use by MdM France Partner`s MHPSS Teams.
  • Create Assessment forms and other technical files and forms according to the needs of MHPSS service providers 
  • Ensure that trainees complete satisfactorily their training course, through an assessment of trainees’ attendance, their performance and satisfaction.
  • Participate in data collection on MHPSS, GBV and any other relevant data needed by MdM France MHPSS Department inside partner NGO`s, shelters, CMHC`s, PHCCs and Hospitals.
  • Participate in the data collection needed for assessments and final reports 
  • Collaborate and participate in any field survey, data collection, and/or need assessment organized by MDM-F in relation to health, Mental Health, GBV or any other relevant theme.
  • Keep and improve the current data collection system for MHPSS & GBV activities according to the needs of reporting.
  • Analyze collected data on monthly, quarterly or Annual bases or/and as needed by MdM France Mental Health Department.  


  • Provide program operational reports based on the request of the MH manager.  
  • Provide a monthly report of activities not later than the 7th of the following month.  
  • Contribute to the MHPSS data analysis in collaboration with the Mental Health Team. 
  • Immediately report emergency MHPSS needs at community level., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements


  • A degree in Psychology (Bachelor Major in Psychology and master’s in psychology / Community Mental Health)
  • At least 3 years of a mixed experience in Specialized and non-specialized MHPSS Services.
  • Experience in training and supervising MHPSS specialized and non-specialized MHPSS Staff.
  • Considerable Knowledge of mhGap Guidelines, DSM 5 and other relevant MH resources (mhGAP certification is an asset). 
  • Considerable experience in providing MHPSS Trainings (including training for medical teams on the integration of MH in medical facilities)
  • Proven experience in Child Protection and GBV SOP`s and other locally adapted Mental Health Protocols for the management of MHPSS needs in GBV Survivors. 
  • Previous work experience with international organizations is an asset.
  • Strong communication and facilitation skills 
  • To be able to work independently.
  • Excellent Arabic- English writing skills and Computer skills (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
Job Details
Job Title Psychologist
Deadline 07 - Jul - 2022
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 3 Years
Application Instructions
Qualified applicants are invited to send their resume or CV and a one-page cover letter in English, by email to:
Please reference the job title as MDM/ Psychologist /GZA/2022 in the subject line of your Email.
Deadline for receiving the application on Thursday, July 07th  2022 at 4:00 pm
MDM recruits qualified individuals without distinction ethnic background or Gender.
Please note that MDM will contact only pre-selected candidates and by email, the position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is identified.
We thank all candidates for their interest to MDM.
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: