Psychosocial support & life skills through Sports Consultant
UNESCO: Request for Offers
Training on Psychosocial Support and Life Skills through sports
Deadline for submission: 5th April 2019
Assignment finalization period: 20May 2019
In support of the implementation of UNESCO’s Strategic Framework for Education in Emergencies in the Arab Region (2018-2021) and within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education’s (MoEHE) Comprehensive Contingency Plan (CCP), UNESCO in partnership with the MoEHE are planning to conduct training of trainers for 40 Physical Educaion (PE) teachers from 20 selected schools in East Jerusalem and 20 selected schools in Gaza. At the end of the training, it is envisioned that teachers will have the capacity to use sports as a psychosocial intervention and a means to provide students with the necessary life skills to build confidence and resilience to cope with the challenging environments.
In addition, it is envisaged to conduct training for 200 students from grade 10 from both East Jerusalem and Gaza from boys and girls schools on using sport as mean to promote life skills related to facilitate youth access to labour market.
The unique methodology of sports can create positive learning environments through promoting social,emotional and student-centered learning. This activity will therefore enhance resilience, expedite emotional and social balance (psychosocial development) and the attainment of new skills in youth affected by conflict and disaster situations.
The selected organization shall carry out the tasks as shown below. Interested parties should provide, in their response to this call for consultancy, the proposed methodology and detailed budget of two below tasks:
- Sport for Life Skills
1.1 Design and implement training programme on psychosocial support and life skills through the use of sports both in West Bank (incl. East-Jerusalem) and Gaza, to ensure the best delivery of the training. 1.2 Conduct an inception meeting to clarify the structure of the agreed programme including content of the and methodology of the training with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and UNESCO by 15th of April 2019
1.2 Organize, in close cooperation with the MoEHE and UNESCO a three days training for the selected 20 Physical Education teachers from East Jerusalem and 20 Physical Education teachers from Gaza selected by the MoEHE to be completed by 30 April 2019.
1.3 Cover the cost of transportation for Master trainers as well as Meals during the three days of training
- Skills for employment
2.1 Conduct an inception meeting with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and UNESCO to clarify the structure of the agreed training programme by 15th of April 2019
2.2 Design a training programme on employment skills using sport activities for 200 students from grade 10 from both East Jerusalem and Gaza schools.
2.3 Conduct training sessions for 200 students from grade 10 on skills needed for employment (including visits to a vocational schoo)l to facilitate their access to labour market... By 30 April 2019
- Reports
3.1 Submit to UNESCO draft narrative report on the two trainings for review by 1st of May 2019
3.2 Submit final narrative report on both trainings incorporating feedback and suggestions received from UNESCO by 20 May 2019 in English, a minimum of 5 pages long for each training excluding annexes.
Annexes to include the following:
- list of trained teachers and students
- key documents developed,
- photos including video,
- training evaluation,
- proof of payment for the transportation and meals
Deliverables and guide budget:
Narrative report due by 1st May 2019 including all supporting documents, USD 5000
Final report due by 20 May including all supporting documents, USD 15000, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Qualifications and experience of interested organization/party
It is mandatory for the interested organization and any team members have the following qualifications and experience:
- Five years of experience in conducting similar trainings and sports for employability
- Certified Sports for Development expertise
- Excellent speaking and writing skills in both English and Arabic languages
- Communication and management skills
- Ability to work under pressure
- Punctuality and commitment to meet deadlines
- Ability to conduct activities in East Jerusalem and Gaza
- Available and ready curriculum in sports for development and life skills
By the deadline date of 5th of April 2019, please submit ALL of the above via email to:
Including the subject: ED: Psychosocial support and life skills through Sports
- A proposal (2-3 pages) for the activity (including methodology, time-line and budget quoted in US dollars, according to the outputs/deliverables foreseen)
- CV’s of the consultant and any team members indicating prior experience in sports for development with references of prior similar assignments.
- Statement confirming that the consultancy or consultant holds a valid bank account in the name indicated on the bid document.
- A copy of the curriculum to be used in the training of trainers.
Incomplete or missing information or documentation and evidence of experience as requested above, may exclude you from further consideration.