Public Relations Officer

Job Description

The Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF) is a semi-governmental organization with
technical, financial, and management experience in the fields of Municipalities’ development, as
related to infrastructure projects, institutional development, employment generation, as well as data
analysis and reporting.

The MDLF is seeking a creative, highly skilled Public Relations (PR) officer to work under the
supervision of the Strategic Planning and External Relations Department of the MDLF.

The main duties of the PR officer will include:
-Develop and carry out an information dissemination strategy that promotes MDLF to both
internal and external audiences; ensure public awareness of MDLF activities and projects.
-Initiating , plan, and manage PR campaigns to promote MDLF as a key player in the LG sector
-Work closely with the MDLF different departments to collect content for the MDLF website and
publications such as project news, reports, papers, plans, events, etc.
-Serve as editor of the MDLF website and other publications, responsible for making improvements
or enhancements of the website so that the content is current and accurate.
-Perform other related functions to produce English and Arabic content about project activities.
-Participate in producing and disseminating various reports including the quarterly, semiannual
and annual status reports.
-Monitor key local news and articles related to the local government sector and draft letters and press releases for publication where appropriate
-Customize database reports and charts and review all database information for accuracy, consistency, and completeness.

Applicants should have the following credentials and experience:
-University degree in Media, Mass Communications, Journalism, Marketing, Public Relations or related field.
-Minimum of 3-5 years of proven experience in media related functions.
-Fluency in Arabic and English;
-Advanced proficiency in technical report writing;
-Proven communication skills and strong English writing skills;
-Advanced proficiency in office applications, graphic design and media softwares;
-knowledge and experience on MIS is a plus
-Familiarity with the local government sector and issues facing the development in Palestine is a plus

Candidates should submit their CV including, salary history, and three references by email at
The deadline for submission is March 4th 2012
Only short listed candidates will be contacted and called for interview.

صندوق تطوير وإقراض البلديات مؤسسة شبه حكومية تعمل في مجال تطوير الهيئات المحلية وتدير مشاريع التطوير والتنمية والتي تشمل تطبيق السياسات المحلية في مجالات البنية التحتية، البناء المؤسساتي، مشاريع خلق فرص العمل بألإضافة إلى تحليل المعلومات والبيانات وإصدار التقارير المتعلقة بقطاع الحكم المحلي .يعلن صندوق تطوير وإقراض البلديات عن حاجته لملء وظيفة مسؤول/ة علاقات عامة للعمل ضمن دائرة التخطيط
الإستراتيجي والعلاقات الخارجية., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Public Relations Officer
Deadline 04 - Mar - 2012
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: