Public Relations Officer

Job Description
The Palestinian Working Woman Society For Development
جمعية المرأة العاملة الفلسطينية للتنمية
Tele: 00/972/2/2986761 / 2981977 Fax: 00/972/2/2963288
P.O.Box 25113, East Jerusalem e-mail: pwwsd @
Public Relations Officer

Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD), one of the biggest women grassroots organizations active in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is seeking highly qualified women candidate to fulfill the position:
“Public Relations Coordinator”.

Maintain the relations of the organization locally, regionally, and internationally.
Open access for the organization with new organizations all over the world
Write proposals for fundraising
Promote the organization on the various levels especially through the available media channels.
Report about the activities of the organization to the donors

Qualifications: Successful candidate should have at least the following qualifications:
At least BA Degree in English literature, public relations, or any related field
Proven experience of at least three years in similar positions with known organizations
Proven experience in writing proposals for fundraising and organizing fundraising ceremonies.
Advanced computer skills especially working with the social media tools

Applying process:
Interested candidates should send the following:
- Cover letter (English) to show interest in the position and expected role as a staff member in
woman organization
- CV
The deadline to apply for the position will be Sunday, January 1st 2011 before 16:00
All applications should be send through the email address: [email protected]
Only short listed candidates will be contacted and those selected for the interviews will be asked to sit a written test to measure their skil, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Public Relations Officer
Deadline 01 - Jan - 2011
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: