Quality Assurance/Control Trainer

Job Description

Short Term Senior Expert for
Capacity Building on Quality Assurance


The underlying objective of the project is to provide institutional development and capacity-building  to strengthen the State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau (SAACB)of Palestine. The project is working with the Bureau to move towards full INTOSAI compliance, so that SAACB has the capacity to take its place as the core institution of public financial management within the Palestinian National Authority. This is all the more crucial in the context of impending application of SAACB  for INTOSAI membership

Description of the Quality Assurance/Control Trainer`s Role

Specific Objectives of the Assignment

Enabling adherence to the International Regulations for Total Quality Management

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) are expected to deliver their respective mandates with Quality and be  responsive to the needs of its stakeholders. The standards and practice guidelines to deliver quality are to be found in  ISSAI 40, AFROSAI ( E ) Institutional Strengthening Framework for SAIs, IDI Handbook on Quality Assurance ,INTOSAI  Building Capacity in SAIs, UK’s SAI Maturity Model and SAI USA’s AQMS Frame work.

These publications lay down suggestions on SAI’s

-Independence and Legal Framework;
-Human Resources and Ethical Practices;
-Audit Standards, Methodologies and Practice;
Leadership ,supervision and internal governance;

-Support services including Information Technology;
-Stakeholder Relations and

Impact of Audit

All these seven different domains in an SAI have to function in unison and in line with international best practices. Therefore  SAACB should establish policies and procedures  to promote an internal culture recognizing quality as essential and critical element in performing the work. Such policies and procedures are determined  by the Head of the SAI, who has overall responsibility for quality control assurance to the stake holders that SAI personnel and contracted parties comply with relevant ethical standards.

The Leadership in SAI and stakeholders of SAI look for quality outputs. This presupposes that quality standards have been prescribed by the leadership to the line function and the performance and the outputs of the audit teams are monitored and supervised by the line function to conform the outputs to those quality requirements.

The senior expertwill provide assistance

i)    in establishing the seven domains in SAACB delivering quality outputs across functions and support services,  to increase stakeholder satisfaction
ii)    in ensuring that necessary standards, policies and procedures are prescribed promoting quality as a necessary and critical element in all performance deliveries
iii)    in enabling the leadership to be  actively engaged in establishing necessary policies and procedures promoting an internal culture of quality and ethical performance
iv)    in expanding capacities of the senior management to supervise and promote quality
v)    in sensitizing the senior management to constantly revise/upgrade policies, manuals and work processes to maintain quality standards
vi)    in devising ways  enhancing internal governance so that organization wide ethical standards are established and
vii)    in ensuring quality control measures are established and QA is periodically reviewed

The senior expert will work with the Quality Assurance Unit within the SAACB and with the six directorates to enable designing the QA procedures of the directorates and strengthen internal governance methodologies. The senior expert will also increase the awareness of quality culture  and ethical practices across the members of the staff through four training sessions.

The senior expert will also deliver customized IDI Quality Assurance/Control manual specific to SAACB in line with IDI Handbook for Financial and IT Audits.
Requested Services

The proposed services relate to Activities 1.8, and 2.5 of the Project ToR.

Expected Results

-Leadership involvement in establishing quality culture in SAACB
-Strengthened  internal governance to promote quality
-Improved business procedures for quality outputs
-Increased awareness amongst staff, of the need for quality and ethical standards in delivering audits
-An SAI that has organization wide quality policies and procedures, in line with international guidelines
-A trained team that hasthe skills and knowledgein quality control to follow up.
-A manual for QA/QC relevant to SAACB and
-Increased stakeholder satisfaction  pre assured of quality and ethical work practices

Expert’s Profile

Qualifications of the Expert

-University level education infields relevant to Quality Assurance/Control
-INTOSAI Certification as atrainingexpertin the field ofQuality Assurance/Control
-Certification as a trainer of trainers

Experience of the Expert

-Minimum of 10 years of experience inQA/QCorinthe regulatory workwithin the SAIs
-Minimum of 5 years of experiencein designing  QA/QC plansaccording tothe IDI methodology
-Minimum of 3years of trainingexperiencein the field ofQA/QC
-Experiencewithin  theARABOSAI/ASOSAI etc is highly desirable
-Fluency in the Arabic language is highly desirable

Category of Expert

Senior short term expert
Working languages

English and Arabic
Schedule and number of days for the Assignment

Total of 30 days - in the period from 1 Octoberto 31 December 2016
04 days preparation, familiarisation with SAACB structure,mandateetc
10 days for Manual review and customisation
10 days for quality review of one financial audit report and one IT audit report as practical example to the QA/QC committee
05 days class room training for QA/QC committee members on IDI principles for QA/QC in SAIs
01 day orientation course for senior management of SAACB

Location of the Assignment

Ramallah, Palestine

Please send CV by email to: 

[email protected]

Competition closes by24August 2016. Only selected candidates will be called for interview.       



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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Quality Assurance/Control Trainer
Deadline 24 - Aug - 2016
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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