Request for Technical and Financial Offers Film Translation

Job Description

Community Media Center (CMC)
Youth Issues in Documentaries
Request for Technical and Financial Offers
Film Translation Service

The Community Media center (CMC) is an independent nongovernmental organization based in Gaza. CMC was established and started working at the beginning of 2007 through an initiative from a group of activists in the civil and media work. The center aims to promote and activate Palestinian media role towards humanity issues, and to highlight it through different means of media, aiming to help creating suitable opportunities to solve them and to improve the living conditions, through working on many projects which contribute achieving an active Palestinian media representing the Palestinian community issues.

CMC is implementing " Youth Issues in Documentaries” project, in partnership with CRS and funded by USAID. The project aims to document youth issues, to attract the decision makers' attention to get them aware of these issues, and to involve relevant stakeholders in solving these issues.

Under this solicitation, CMC seeks a qualified translator who will be responsible for the translation of ten media pieces produced by CMC as detailed below.

The translator is responsible for:
-Producing %100 accurate English translations of 10 Arabic films (5 documentary films and 5 TV features). Each of the films is about 5-7 minutes long.
-Submitting time code translation. This means that translator should provide line-by-line translation that corresponds with time code.
-Quality checking and proofreading the translated materials, ensuring that no typographical errors are left in the final text
-Translator is obliged to work within the required deadlines and be available to CMC for any comments or/and corrections. 

Qualification and Skills:
-University degree in English language translation or any related field
-Proven experience of at least two years, preferably in film and script translation
-At least one sample  of previous works is a must

Interested candidates should submit separate sealed technical and financial bids as follows:

Technical bid should include:
-Candidate’s CV and profile ( will be rated out of 20%)
-Sample of previous relevant work ( will be rated out of 20%)
-Timeframe for translating subtitles of all 10 materials ( will be rated out of 30%)

Financial bid should include:
-Rates in NIS  per minute
-Please note that transcription of films in the source language is not available
-CMC will give 70% for the technical part and 30% for the financial offer

Evaluation of offers and contracting procedures:
-Bids should be delivered in separate envelops.
-Bids will be reviewed and evaluated by CMC tender committee only, in accordance with the TOR, offers will be evaluated according to the technical requirements mentioned in the TOR, and compared; the best offers must meet the required standards regarding the technical and financial abilities. 
-Received offers will be evaluated firstly based on technical aspects which will count to 60% of scores and financial offer will count to 40%.
-CMC will sign a short term service contract with the winning firm/consultant, in which obligations of each party will be set based on mutual agreement on implementation schedule, level of effort, and payment mechanisms.
-Under the circumstances contracted firm or consultant didn’t comply with the signed agreement and this TOR, CMC has the right to cancel all or part of the agreement with no commitments or obligations towards the consultants.
-Starting date will be determined immediately after bid is awarded to successful candidate(s).
-Winning candidate should submit a zero-VAT invoice for firms or a financial claim for individuals to CMC quoting “USAID-CPP-YIID-CMC. (For consultancies companies).
-CMC is not necessarily obliged to accept lowest bids
-CMC has the right to cancel or re advertise this solicitation of technical and price offers with or without any modifications without any declarations of reasons behind this action.
-Sealed envelopes must be submitted to CMC office
-Successful candidate(s) should adhere to CMC’s contracting procedures and sign the USAID mandatory clause.
-CMC has the right to defrag or cancel the pricing offer.
-All documents of bid/quotation should be signed or/and stamped
-Both firms and individuals are not allowed to recruit or nominate candidates who are currently PA employees or listed on the Palestinian authority payroll.
-CMC will not accept proposing new offers after evaluating and selecting the offers.
-Consultancy firms and individual consultants must be aware of the CMC’s right of canceling or freezing the awarded consultancy service at any time before or during the implementation in case of emergencies without any cost to be incurred on the CMC side.
-CMC will not accept proposing new offers after evaluating and selecting the offers.
-Consultancy firms and individual consultants are not allowed to recruit any person who is paid by the Palestinian authority to participate in this consultancy. It's the responsibility of the firm/ consultant to disclose being not on the PA payroll during providing this consultancy service.

For interested candidates, please send your sealed bids to CMC office on the following address, no later than 14:00 Monday 24/03/2014.

3rd Floor, AlSaid Building, Khalil El Wazir St.,
Lababidi Square, Al Nasser, Gaza City

For any further inquiries, please contact us on:
Telephone:+970 8 2856690
Fax:+970 8 2875554
Mob:+970 59 7 131 263, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Request for Technical and Financial Offers Film Translation
Deadline 24 - Mar - 2014
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: