Researcher/ Local Consultancy Firm to Conducting KAP surveys

Job Description

Meeting emergency water, sanitation, hygiene and child protection needs of 7’663 children in 10 basic schools by December 2015
Terms of Reference for Local Short Term Researcher/ Local Consultancy Firm


Conducting KAP surveys: pre-intervention KAP survey and post-intervention KAP survey to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of hygiene and hygiene- related activities among school children in the Gaza and North Gaza governorates

I-Project Background
Terre des hommes (Tdh) Foundation, in partnership with Swiss Solidarity, Ville de Genève and other donors, is implementing an emergency project titled “Meeting emergency water, sanitation, hygiene and child protection needs of 7’663 children in 10 basic schools by December 2015” in the area of the Gaza and North Gaza Governorates. This project is implemented in coordination with Beit Lahiya Development Association and Fares Al-Arab for Development and Charity Works.

This 13-month project specifically targets school children of which their schools had been affected during the latest war on Gaza in the areas of the Gaza and North Gaza Governorates. The aim of this project is to meet the immediate water, sanitation, hygiene and child protection needs of 7’663 children in 10 primary and basics schools by December 2015. To achieve this goal, Tdh has started rehabilitation of WASH facilities in 10 governmental schools, and will provide the selected schools with hygiene materials..

Hygiene promotion activities are an important component of the project; Tdh, with its partners, will implement activities that aim to increase awareness and strengthen hygiene practices amongst school children through active participation and involvement of school children and staff.

The project has 3 main expected results:

Expected result 1: 7’663 children have unhindered access to clean water, hygiene facilities and sanitation networks within 10 primary schools.

Expected result 2: 7’663 children in 10 primary schools have adopted positive hygiene behaviours.

Expected result 3: By end of December 2015, 225 children and youth actively participate in efforts to prevent violence against children in schools. As a result, they are better protected from all forms of violence and abuse and contribute to the creationof a safe school environment..

II-Scope of Work
Among the project activities, Tdh is planning to conduct KAP surveys: pre-intervention survey and post-intervention survey.

Building on the October 2012 KAP Survey (UNICEF), the pre-intervention survey aims to assess the existing level of knowledge, attitude, and practices about hygiene and hygiene related activities among school children. Findings from the pre-intervention KAP survey will help Tdh and its’ partner organizations to develop hygiene promotion activities, including awareness and behavioural modification interventions. After conducting the Pre-intervention KAP survey, series of hygiene promotion activities will be conducted at the selected schools. The hygiene promotion activities aim towards promoting hygiene practices and enhancing behavioural modifications.

After implementing the hygiene promotion activities, post-intervention KAP survey will be conducted to assess the effectiveness and the outcomes of such hygiene promotion activities. The post-intervention survey will also identify the main gaps in the implementation process and will propose recommendations to improve future interventions.

Under this consultancy, together with the Tdh emergency team, the Researcher will be responsible for effectively conducting the Pre-intervention KAP survey and the Post-intervention KAP survey.

III-Researcher/research team duties and activities
The researcher/research team will be required to lead on all the tasks below, in consultation with the Emergency project team: The specific activities are:
-Review and agree on survey proposed methodology, work plan and the structure of the survey report with Emergency project team and the Head of Gaza Office
-Conduct desk review of the project reports, documents, and other relevant project data
-Outline the survey design and develop data collection tools, using both qualitative and quantitative data tools.
-Conduct and supervise data collection, data management, and data analysis
-Preparation of draft report
-Discuss with Tdh Emergency team the findings of the initial draft report
-Incorporate the feedback from project team in the final report
-Make a presentation on the key findings of the two surveys in Arabic to key informants from Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE)
-Submit two copies of the final report (hard and soft)

IV-Timing, duration and language
-The Pre-intervention KAP survey will be conducted during April 2015, and the expected period for implementation is 2 weeks. Post-intervention KAP survey will be conducted in October 2015, however, this is subject to change.
-The main working language of this survey will be English. However, it is understood that data collection tools will be developed in both Arabic and English.

V-Qualifications and skills

The main researcher should have:
-At least s Master’s Degree in a Social Science subject or other relevant subject.
-Significant experience of undertaking KAP surveys, as well as rapid assessments &/or evaluations.
-Significant experience of collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data from sample surveys.
-Able to provide evidence of producing high quality assessment/evaluation reports in English, and working within tight timeframes.
-Have a high level of proficiency/fluency in spoken and written English.

-Electronic files with all raw data, both Pre-and Post-intervention KAP surveys
-Final Reports: Pre-and Post-intervention KAP surveys. The two reports should be in English
-A power point presentation in Arabic on the results of the Pre-intervention KAP survey delivered to key informants from MoEHE and Tdh team
-A power point presentation in Arabic on the results of the Post-intervention KAP survey delivered to key informants from MoEHE and Tdh team

VII-Proposal submission
-Consultants shall submit "one original and one copy" of the Technical and Financial Proposals in a package containing two separate envelopes (sealed and stamped) as follows:
-The first envelope must be clearly marked “Technical proposal” and shall contain hard copies of the technical proposal "one original & one copy".
-The second envelope must be clearly marked “Financial proposal” and shall contain a detailed price offer "one original and one copy", signed and stamped. .
-Consultants shall not be entitled to compensation related to the costs of preparing the proposals.
-The Technical and Financial Proposals should have clear breakdown of financial cost and technical specifications for both, the Pre-intervention KAP surveys and Post-intervention KAP surveys.

-Proposals shall be submitted on 22-April-2015 at 5 PM at the following address:
Address: Terre des hommes Foundation
Gaza Office– Al Rasheed str. – Abu Galion 2 Building – 3 rd Floor Tel: 2863251 – Fax: 2863252

VIII-Evaluation of Proposals:
o The evaluation of proposals and selection of the consultant will be made using the Quality and Cost Based Selection, with a total score calculated out of 100%, of which 65% is the weight of the Technical Proposal and 35% is the weight of Financial Proposal.
-Only the Technical Proposals will be opened on the submission date.
-Financial Proposals will remain sealed until the technical evaluation is completed., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Researcher/ Local Consultancy Firm to Conducting KAP surveys
Deadline 22 - Apr - 2015
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Management
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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