
Job Description

QED Group LLC, a US based corporation, is dedicated to making meaningful and lasting change and program improvement through monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management and learning, sustainable investing, and technical delivery. QED is implementing a five-year Performance Monitoring and Evaluation project in the West Bank and seeks resumes form qualified Palestinian candidates to serve as short term Researchers on planned evaluations and assessments’ assignments under three different sectors that are related to:

  • Justice/Rule of Law, Democracy and Governance.
  • Health with focus on Information Systems, Capacity Strengthening and Efficiency and Effectiveness.
  • Financial Management at Local Government Level., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Interested candidates should bring at least 3-5 years of experience in conducting field research/ data collection in support of the implementation of evaluations and assessments in one or all of the above mentioned sectors. S/he must also have experience in contributing to the design of similar evaluations/assessments, in planning for an implementing data collection, analyzing data and summarizing findings, and should have excellent interpersonal relations and professional writing skills to compile and produce solid brief reports in English and Arabic. Candidates should bring proven experience to apply generally accepted evaluation and assessment best practices. Previous experience in serving as part of evaluation/assessment teams in the West Bank or Middle East region is highly desirable.  A relevant Master’s degree is highly preferred.

Other required competencies include:

  • Demonstrated experience in development of survey instruments, structured and semi-structured interview protocols and/or observation tools;
  • Demonstrated experience in the collection and analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data, especially surveys and key informant and group interviews;
  • Demonstrated experience using statistical software for analyzing quantitative data;
  • Demonstrated experience in content analysis and other qualitative data analysis methods;

When applying, interested candidates are highly encouraged to refer specifically to the sector/theme they are applying for. 

Job Details
Job Title Researchers
Deadline 30 - Apr - 2018
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Excutive/Director
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 3 Years
Category Other
Application Instructions

Interested candidates should submit their CVs and apply online through Apply Now button below

The deadline for applying is Saturday April 30, 2018.

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