Result Based Narrative Report Trainer

Job Description

Result Based Narrative Report Trainer
Training Advertisement


Oxfam aims to build on the existing DANIDA investment and continue contributing to the economic recovery and socio-economic empowerment of women, men and youth through small and medium-scale enterprises in three sectors; agriculture, dairy and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Purpose of the Assignment:
Oxfam is recruiting a trainer to provide technical support and develop partners’ capacities in Result Based management in Planning, Reporting and Documentation. This includes training, coaching and developing the required systems. These capacity building actions aim at equipping project partners with the knowledge, tools, systems and practices of effective planning, reporting and documentation.   

Outputs and Deliverables:

The Trainer is expected to conduct the following deliverable:
-A comprehensive action plan including: methodology, training materials, workplan .etc.
-Inception report includes: participants’ capacity assessment findings for partners specific capacity development needs in RBM in planning, reporting and documentation.
-Pre assessment findings report before each training illustrating the benchmark of partners. Then, the comparison results of the pre and post tests with the required interpretations.
-Result based reporting system, tools and templates per each partner.
-An updated documentation/ archiving system per each partner.
-A report including the training process progress, achievements, challenges, recommendations, indicators of change and observed impact in partners.
-The final report will be produced in one week following date of submission of comments. It will include changes/modifications, agreed between Oxfam, partners and the Trainer. The  report will be structured as follows: (Details of the report outlines will be shared and discussed with the Trainer upon contracting):

Title Pages – Contents - List of acronyms - Executive summary -Introduction and background/Context - Objectives key tasks of assignments - Assignment performance and key outputs - Capacity building objectives - Methodology of capacity development - Limitations of the capacity development process – Findings -  where presentation of the findings should include narrative and tables - using descriptive and statistics as well as analysis of the capacity building results.
-Recommendations on partner capacities development.
-Appendix includes various documents: training materials & presentations, assessment findings, pre-post test templates, agreed reporting templates, agreed reporting system, agreed archiving systems.

Time Frame and location
Oxfam is expecting the completion of the capacity building activities within a maximum of 25 days of signing the contracts. Applicants are kindly requested to indicate in their offers the actually required number of days broken down by deliverable/activity versus cost, in addition to the team size involved.
This consultancy will be based in Gaza.


-The ideal Trainer will have at least 5-7 years of relevant experience.
-Proven record in the development of robust RBM reporting and archiving tools and systems for economic recovery programs in I/NGOs sector.
-Good knowledge and extensive practice applying participatory approaches.
-Ability to communicate fluently and write strong reports in English and Arabic.
-The Trainer is expected to propose efficient and effective team composition taking into consideration the social, cultural, environmental and political/security issues.
-Ability to work with a diverse team and under pressure to produce agreed deliverables in a timely manner.
-The Trainer must be collaborative, willing to share thoughts, ideas, and make constructive criticism

لتصلك اخر برامج التشغيل والوظائف في غزة على جوالك وبدون رسوم  ارسل حرف  غ  للرقم 37953

How to Apply
Qualified candidates and teams are requested to submit a cover letter, CV, detailed budget proposal (including daily rate and expenses) and brief description of methodology and impact of previous work to

no later than 11th December 2015

To ask for the full TOR please send your request to, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Result Based Narrative Report Trainer
Deadline 11 - Dec - 2015
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: