RFP: Project Evaluation

Job Description

DCA/NCA invites you to submit a proposal for Diyar Evaluation Service

DCA/NCA will conduct a project evaluation in cooperation with Diyar.

The contractor will be required to review all cycles of the project starting from 2011. This project has been co-funded with FELM. The contractor should include FELM’s engagement as part of the evaluation and include FELM contacts in the interview process.

The contractor should conduct:

-Desk review (1 day): Review of project documents and data (both DCA/NCA and FELM) – One day

-Field study (5 days): meeting with stakeholders directly involved with the project (DCA/NCA, FELM, Diyar, the target beneficiaries). Further to this, meetings will be held with other relevant stakeholders.

-Preliminary findings note: A note on preliminary findings will be prepared during the field study period. This will together with relevant underlying documentation be presented for discussion with major stakeholders.

-Final reporting (2 days): This will include reporting on the result as compared to the goals and objectives set for the intervention. It will also include a throughout assessment of the project approach and implementation strategy. It has to include throughout documentation of best practices, lesson learned and recommendations.


timing, logisitics and facilities

- The evaluation should take place during November - December 2016

- Diyar will be responsible for facilitating access in the field and providing the contractor with all necessary information and logistical arrangement


-A draft note with preliminary findings and recommendations will have to be presented for discussion with the DCA/NCA and Diyar.

-A draft report with findings and recommendations will be shared for comments

-A final report will have to be submitted to DCA/NCA. The report should include an Executive Summary, with sections including Methodology, Findings, Recommendations, plus annexes of all persons interviewed and focus group participants, and meeting note.

-The report should be in English and should not exceed 25 pages including annexes



-The evaluator must have substantial experiences in Gender and economic empowerment

-Experience in projects evaluation, at least have done 3 assessments before that are clearly indicated in the CV

-Experience in qualitative data analysis, research and report writing

-Excellent communication skills.


Results to be achieved by the Contractor:

1-The evaluation should provide an assessment of the results as compared to the set objectives and appropriateness of implementation strategy.

2-To come up with recommendations, lessons and best practices to inform and guide future economic empowerment of women in Palestine.

3-To assess the performance of the project based on project relevance, efficiency, impact, sustainability and engagement of key stakeholders

4-To come up with recommendations for future engagements with Diyar Consortium in Bethlehem

Download Request for Proposal
RFP Diyar

Closing date:13.11.2016 at 16:00

Contracting Authority:
Dan Church Aid/Norwegian Church Aid

Contact person: Michel Imses
Tel: 02-582-5639
Fax: 02-582-5638
Email: [email protected]

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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title RFP: Project Evaluation
Deadline 13 - Nov - 2016
Location Bethlehem
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
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