RFP : Support the Preparation of Strategic Development and I

Job Description


Support the Preparation of Strategic Development and Investment Plans (SDIPs) for targeted Municipalities 

USAID Communities Thrive Project aims to improve municipal revenue streams and fiscal management of municipalities, increase the accountability and transparency of local governments, enhance delivery and management of the municipal services and the effectiveness of local governments’ operations, and improve the regulatory and policy framework for municipal governance. 

Request for Proposals:
The objective of this assignment is to help targeted municipalities to develop their Strategic Development and Investment Plans (SDIP) in the selected clusters in accordance with the Tetra Tech-developed Scope of Work and based on the updated national SDIP methodology and approach adopted by the Ministry of Local Government. 

Firm(s) will be selected under the quality and cost based selection methods and procedures described in the RFP. A full set of   RFP documents can be requested by email. Interested eligible bidders can send queries to the below shown email address for further detail or information no later than 12 Noon on November 30th, 2017.

Consultancy Field:
Support the Preparation of Strategic Development and Investment Plans (SDIPs) for selected Municipalities

Deadline for submission of clarifications or questions :
By November 30, 2017 (12 Noon)
[email protected]

Deadline for submission of proposal:
December 19th, 2017 (12 Noon)

Proposal Components :
The proposal should be delivered in two separate sealed envelopes:
1-Technical proposal (2 Copies)
2-Financial proposal  (2 Copies)

Address for proposal submission :
Communities Thrive Project -
Tetra Tech ARD | USAID Contractor
Second Floor, Building 48, AlTeera Main St., Ramallah
T. 97022952902/22

Interested firms can Request a Copy from RFP by Sending a Request email to :

[email protected]

[1] Local firms can partner with other local, regional or international firms if they see they added value.
All newspaper advertisement fees will be paid by the selected service provider

Jobs.ps, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title RFP : Support the Preparation of Strategic Development and I
Deadline 19 - Dec - 2017
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: