SALALEM Mid-Term Evaluation Consultant

Job Description

Catholic Relief Services

Jerusalem, West Bank, & Gaza (JWBG)

SALALEM Mid-Term Evaluation  


Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza (JWBG) is undertaking a midterm evaluation (Mid-term Review) of the Salalem project and seeks a consultant to lead this process, as detailed in this Scope of Work (SOW). The Salalem Mid-term Review aims to determine if the project is making progress on or towards desired outcomes as articulated in the Results Framework (Immediate, Intermediate, and Ultimate) with the expectation that the process produces concrete recommendations for adaptive management to address areas for growth and build on success to date. CRS anticipates that the consultant will commence with remote planning support in September 2022.

Project Overview: Generously funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), Salalem is an innovative, five-year gender-transformative project which seeks to increase the agency and employability of young women and youth with disabilities. Salalem is designed to reach 3,280 young women and youth with disabilities, whilst creating a more enabling environment within their families, among employers, and in the community.

Theory of Change (TOC): IF young women and youth with disabilities develop improved gender-responsive, demand-driven, quality life skills coupled with opportunities to gain experience AND benefit from increased social and professional support networks THEN they will have improved self-confidence and sense of agency, BECAUSE in addition to “skills gap,” employers also cite inexperience as a leading factor in the employer’s reluctance to hire women. CRS assessments have found that women with university degrees in particular have technical skills comparable to their male counterparts but that women and people with disabilities are not able to translate these technical skills into workforce engagement.

At the heart of the project is the Salalem Leadership Institute where participants gain critical life skills and participate in experiential (on-the-job) learning, all whilst building professional networks. Simultaneously, the project aims to reduce barriers to workforce participation by increasing buy-in from participant’s families, improving the accessibility of workplaces, and promoting community acceptance. Through Salalem, these marginalized individuals in Gaza and the West Bank are better prepared for jobs, with opportunities to contribute to the well-being of their families and communities. As of April 2022, CRS has reached 1,541 participants, along with 1,517 household influencers (parents, spouses, siblings, etc.).


Purpose of the Evaluation: The Salalem Mid-term Review aims to determine if the project is making progress on or towards desired outcomes as articulated in the Results Framework including Immediate, Intermediate, and Ultimate Outcomes. To support this review, the consultant will consider the following elements of evaluation: relevance, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. Assessment of these five elements should have a view towards concrete recommendations for adaptive management to ultimately strengthen the project for the final two years of implementation, including with a view towards sustainability., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements


  • Proven track record of leading project evaluations in a complex environment, required.
  • Experience managing or evaluating projects in at least one of the relevant focus areas, strongly preferred (gender equality, social inclusion, youth, livelihoods).
  • Previous work experience in the Middle East or North Africa, strongly preferred; experience in Jerusalem, West Bank, Gaza a plus.
  • Fluency in English language required; Arabic a plus.
Job Details
Job Title SALALEM Mid-Term Evaluation Consultant
Deadline 23 - Aug - 2022
Location Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 5 Years
Category Other
Application Instructions


Interested applicants with who meet the above qualifications are encouraged to apply as follows:

Interested applicants with relevant experience and qualifications are encouraged to apply through the CRS portal no later than 23 August 2022. Applications are to include a technical and financial proposal.

Technical applications should include the consulting firm or individual consultants’ profile, inclusive of CV, and its technical approach, including the proposed methodology for achieving the above Scope of Work.

The consultant cannot be a current Palestinian Authority (PA) employee.

CRS may select more than one consultant to complete the full scope of this SOW.Financial offers should consist of United States Dollar (USD) prices and must be valid up to 90 days after the submission date. The financial proposal should include a daily rate. The total cost should be "all-inclusive" and cover all the consultant's expenses, supplies, and any required insurance and taxes. Note: CRS will cover directly cover local costs for conducting the evaluation, including enumerator and data collection costs, workshop venue, etc. CRS will cover directly the consultant’s airfare (if the consultant is based outside of JWBG), local travel costs, lodging and per diem (according to CRS standard rates) for the in-person component of the consultancy; the financial offer should not include these costs.


In addition to reviewing the financial and technical applications, CRS will review the qualifications of the specific individual(s) wishing to fulfill the role.

CRS reserves the right to interview candidates, request supporting documentation for experience and expertise, and/or request additional information or documentation that could facilitate the selection. Should CRS determine interviews are needed, only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted for an interview.

CRS reserves the right to reject all bids and to decide not to pursue this procurement. CRS is not obliged to procure the lowest priced offer when the lowest price does not offer the best overall value, all other factors considered. CRS has the right to cancel or re-advertise this SOW without explaining the reasons.

The successful bidder will be required to sign all donor-required documents.

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