Short consultancy- ICF (International Classification of Func

Job Description

Training module on International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and Client Communication.
(ACIII Access to Physical Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Disability in West Bank)


HI has been operating in Palestine since 1996 and has developed relationship with several disability stakeholders.  According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics there are around 4,048,403 million Palestinian living in the oPt (2,513,283 million in West Bank and 1,535,120 million in Gaza strip). According to general estimations by WHO, between 10-15% of a given population would have some kind of disability; in the Palestinian Territories, this implies that the figure would be around 284,000 – 404,000 people. According to the last records, the prevalence of disability in the oPt was about 7% (relaxed definition) with similar prevalence in each of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. While the prevalence of disability using the narrow definition was 2.7% distributed as 2.9% in the West Bank and 2.4% in Gaza Strip; while it was 2.9% for Males and 2.5% for females.  Taken together, this implies that the total number of PWDs in oPts is around 113,000-287,000.

HI has performed regular assessments in order to identify needs of PWDs in oPt. Main findings of our last needs assessment:
1-Increased number of PWD and deterioration of the socio-economical situation in the OPT,  PWD are one of the most vulnerable groups in this kind of context.
2-Limited access to quality rehabilitation services in relevance to SW due to :
3-Limited accessibility to rehabilitation services for PWDs.
4-Low quality of rehabilitation services not addressing the users' needs.
5-Lack of quality and appropriate assistive devices.
6-Lack of information of PWDs on services available and how to access it.

HI current Project (ACIII) ‘Access to Physical Rehabilitation Services for PWD in West Bank” funded by the MoFA of Luxembourg, has addressed the above mentioned main findings of the needs and developed four main Expected results aiming to achieve :
-Global objective

A comprehensive approach of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) for Physical rehabilitation is shared amongst service providers in the West Bank.
-Specific Objective

Persons with disabilities can access to holistic physical rehabilitation services in the West Bank.


In the framework of the ongoing project, Handicap International sponsors the work of the steering committee of the user centered approach in the west bank earlier of 2011 targeting nine rehabilitation centers. The steering committee objectives aims to improve and develop the level of client center principles, and in parallel way to enhance professional’s capacities of the rehabilitation teams within those centers upon defined and agreed training topics, in which this will influence the current policies and practices of the rehabilitation centers to become more user centered approach in their service provisions. In order to reach the project specific objective, a number of training modules and transformation on the current systems will be implemented. One of the training implementation will be on the ICF and communication in the rehabilitation practices.


The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, known more commonly as ICF, provide a standard language and framework for the description of health and health-related states.  ICF is a multipurpose classification intended for a wide range of uses in different sectors. It is a classification of health and health-related domains -- domains that help us to describe changes in body function and structure, what a person with a health condition can do in a standard environment (their level of capacity), as well as what they actually do in their usual environment (their level of performance).

These domains are classified from body, individual and societal perspectives by means of two lists: a list of body functions and structure, and a list of domains of activity and participation. In ICF, the term functioning refers to all body functions, activities and participation, while disability is similarly an umbrella term for impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions. ICF also lists environmental factors that interact with all these components.

Specific objectives of the consultancy

Objective I: Design and develop training materials for the training module on ICF and Client Communication.

In coordination, and collaboration with the HI TA, the consultant will build the teaching materials for the training on the ICF and communication; the training material shall address sufficiently the main and core concepts of the ICF, and communication principles, skills, and applications.

Objective II:
provide training for 30 OT’s, PT’s, and Rehabilitation Managers on the use of the ICF, and the Client Communication principles, skills and applications.

By the end of the training the trainer will ensure that the 30 OT’s, PT’s, and rehabilitation managers will be able:

1-Explain the ICF structure & principles.
2-To know about other close models like Disability Creation Process (DCP), and international classification of disease (ICD).
3-Identify the positive aspects about ICF and “ICF thinking” the clinical use of these aspects:
4-Assessment linked with some standardized assessment developed based on the ICF.
5-Intervention (ICF as clinical problem-solving tool).

-Outcome evaluation.

4-Debate on what they could do within the centre to think more in ICF.
5-Affirm the importance of knowing the client`s needs, problems and goals.
-Policy development.

6-Understand the processes and skills that are involved in effective communication with clients.
7-List steps to be taken to improve communication with clients within their centers.

-Higher education in OT or PT or closely related field of Rehabilitation (MSc or Phd).
-Knowledge and experience on training Professionals.
-Knowledge and experience in the ICF and rehabilitation management.
-Five years of relevant work experience, preferable in the field of research and Education in rehabilitation and disability.
-Good social and communication skills, able to respect confidentiality.
-The consultant is expected to have a sense of personal security, be aware of the security situation and take respective action, especially when approaching check point.
-Excellent English language skills (reading, writing and speaking).

-Start date: Saturday Oct 6th 2012.
-Mission end date: Thursday Oct 11th 2012.
-Mission timetable: number of working  days according to the requested work load and within the proposed mission time:

Number of working days



2 days


One day offsite & one onsite

2 days

Conducting training 

Two days onsite

2 days


one day offsite & one onsite


-Service location:
Ramallah City West Bank.


Number of Reports: one report required on the training:
The report should include:
-Summary of the training
-Discussion on the input.
-Results of the training (impact on the trainees).
-Conclusion (training output)

The report due date is 5 days after the last day of the 2 days training.

Language: English

-Within the framework of the consultancy, the Consultant will be in collaboration with Handicap International’s teams and in particular with HI Technical Advisor who will be the point of contact.


Once the short listing of applicants is done, Handicap International shall contact the shortlisted applicants to provide a full proper price quote with his/her financial expectations according to the services requested fitting with the below criteria:

-Price quote shall be in English and in ILS currency.
-Prices shall be inclusive of VAT.
-Delivery timeframe & payment terms shall be clear and mentioned in the quote fitting with the start/end dates requested by Handicap International.
-Price quote shall be signed and stamped.


Please send your CV with at least 2 references and cover letter no later than Sept 25th 2012 with the reference [Training module on ICF and communication

To: [email protected], Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Short consultancy- ICF (International Classification of Func
Deadline 25 - Sep - 2012
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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