Site Engineer Consultant
Site Engineer Consultant (SEC)
Handicap International (HI) is an independent international solidarity organization which works in situations of poverty or exclusion, conflict and natural disasters. Working alongside people with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations, the association takes action and speaks out in order to meet their essential needs and improve their living conditions. Handicap International is committed to campaigning to ensure their dignity is preserved and their fundamental rights upheld. Since its creation, this international solidarity organization has set up development programs in over 60 countries and works in various emergency contexts.
Since 1996, Handicap International has implemented various actions with local partners in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In a territory beset by chronic crises, political instability, and a declining economic and social situation since the second intifada in 2000, Handicap International aims to respond to the needs of persons with disabilities and to make structural improvements to their lives.
Project Background & Summary:
Through the project Post-emergency intervention to provide essential multi-disciplinary rehabilitation services to the most vulnerable women, men and children in Gaza, HI aims at supporting the provision of quality multidisciplinary functional and psychosocial services to the most affected population on the Gaza Strip by the last crisis. To this end HI is supporting 4 local partners organizations to provide outreach multidisciplinary rehabilitation services by professionally trained staff to the most vulnerable persons with disabilities (PwDs ) in the five governorates which include Physical therapy sessions, Occupational Therapy sessions, Speech Therapy sessions, Speech Therapy sessions Psychosocial and Social Support services. HI provides ongoing technical support to partners teams to ensure quality of their intervention and services provided to beneficiaries as part of its technical support, HI is seeking to recruit a specialized service provider to deliver technical support, follow up and supervisory work. Project Partners:
- Baitona Society for Community Development/ Baitona; located in North Gaza.
- Palestine Avenir Childhood Foundation/ PACF; located in Gaza City.
- National Society for Rehabilitation/ NSR; Community Based program support organization, located in both Middle Gaza and Khan Younis.
- Society of Physically Handicapped People/ SPHP; located in Rafah.
The project also seeks to adjust homes of the People with Injuries (PwIs) in such a way as to meet their mobility needs as previously identified as this will restore their full social participation to access essential services by addressing the barriers they encounter within their environment beginning with their homes. As such basic home adaptation (entrances, bathrooms, seats etc.) will be offered to ensure maximum autonomy in daily life activities as a first step towards social inclusion. HI has already supported partners teams to identify most vulnerable PwIs with permanent disabilities who will receive visit from Occupational Therapists (OTs) to identify needs for home adjustments. Adaptation plans by OTs have already been developed for each selected PWIs in close coordination with the latter and their caregivers. Based on the agreed plan, HI has contracted a service provider to undertake the adaptation work alongside its technical support and seeks the support of Supervising Engineer to oversee this work.
- The consultancy service objective:
The consultant is required to Monitor and provide technical oversight and support to ensure that adaptation work for PwDs/PwIs homes meets required standards as identified and recommended by the HI project team. This may include reconstruction/adaptation of building entrances, toilets, ramps and accessible pathways. In addition, the consultant might be asked to conduct other works according to further assignments by HI project team.
- Consultancy Outcomes:
The Engineer Consultant should make sure that home adaptation works are based on beneficiaries needs and acceptance in compliance with the accessibility standards in order to:
- Enhance PwDs mobility and comfort within their home environment.
- Improve PwDs independency in performing daily life-functions.
- Promote social inclusion for PwDs.
Scope of the consultancy service approach and methods:
The consultancy service should consist of 4 phases:
- Introductory phase: Review of OT assessment of PwDs/PwIs homes to get an appreciation of the adaptation work to be conducted, preparation of data collection and monitoring tools, logistic arrangements of consultant movement.
- Development of and validation of reports templates.
- Supervisory work will entail:
-Field visits to check progress and provision of Technical feedback to the contractor.
- Documentation of work progress and production of reports.
- Support the verification of individual and global (Bill of Quantities) BoQs amounts based on the real work done.
- Facilitate the completion of work according to schedule.
- Support the signing of beneficiary acknowledgement/ acceptance letters and completion certificates.
-Draft and submit the final home adaptation report detailing the lessons learned experiences as well as challenges faced and possible remedies.
It is expected that the consultant will supervise work on up to 70 targeted PwDs/PwIs homes in all areas combined (5 Gaza governorates).
The consultancy service timeframe:
The Site Engineer Consultant will be expected to perform the supervisory field visits and regular submission of field reports within four months duration starting from 1st October 2016 until 31st January 2017. A detailed action plan will agreed between HI project team and the consultant., the consultant will be required to perform an average of 4 field visits per week, upon HI project manager request. Each visit may include supervisory work to more than one beneficiary.
HI will provide all the relevant project documents, and make necessary appointments for meetings with partners teams, beneficiaries and other respondents. The consultant will be invited to an orientation and induction session at the beginning of the consultancy time (1st week of October, 2016); where the following document will be discussed and explained:
- Project summary sheet.
- HI contract with the construction company.
- Home adaptation beneficiaries selected data.
- PwDs/PwIs homes adaptation plans.
- Bills of quantities BoQs.
- Detailed action plan of implementation.
The consultant should produce and submit in English language (word electronic format) the following documents:
- Field visit reports.
- Weekly reports.
- Instructions form.
- Completion certificate per beneficiary house.
- Completion certificate per governorate.
- Acknowledgment letter.
- Final report. (Max. 15 pages; font: Arial 11) that includes the
following main sections:
- Table of contents.
- Abbreviations list.
- Executive summary (that can be used as a stand-alone document).
- Presentation of home adaptation findings, accurate numbers of eventual direct beneficiaries in the home at the time of completion, clearly showing impact and sustainability.
- Lessons learnt, challenges encountered and obstacles resolved.
- Conclusions and recommendations.
Consultant profile:
The Site Engineer Consultant (SEC) should be a specialist in monitoring and evaluation, enjoying the following qualifications:
- Bachelor graduate degree in civil engineering or similar field;
- At least 5 years of progressively responsible positions in supervising re/construction works of humanitarian and / or development programs;
- Demonstrated knowledge in evaluation methodologies and data collection techniques.
- Extensive proven experience in reconstruction projects;
- Extensive proven knowledge and experience in accessibility standards and related matters;
- Relevant technical expertise and experience on disability rehabilitation projects would be an asset.
- Experience in knowledge management and learning in a non-government organization or similar;
- Excellent communication skills;
- Excellent analytical and report writing skills;
- Fluency in English (excellent level of written English) and Arabic.
Ethics and consent:
It is essential that the process of consultancy service, as well as storage of data, are supported by careful ethical practice, including informed consent, anonymity and confidentiality, no-harm and protection of data and data storage.
The consultant should engage in respecting the following ethical principles:
-Child protection principles.
-Assure contractor is applying the minimum safety standards on company workers on the sites/houses.
-Integrity (respect of gender sensitivity issues, especially when performing indoor observations, religion and beliefs)
-Anonymity and confidentiality.
-Independence and objectivity.
-Veracity of information.
-Collaborative spirit.
-Quality of report and respect for timelines.
Process of the selection of the Consultant
HI invites bids from individual consultants to send the following set no later than 10th September 2016 and should include:
- Financial offer ( the price must be in Shekels ( NIS) inclusive of taxes , VAT excluded
- and the unit cost calculation on visit basis )
- The Price should include communication costs.
- CV detailing relevant skills and experience no more than 3 pages, including contactable referees;
- One sample of a relevant previous experience, preferably for international donor funded project.
The selected Consultant will respectively bear the cost of incurred for the current Advertisement on
HI will cover the movement of the SEC to the field.
Offers should be sent no later than 10th September 2016 by:
Mail to: Gaza City, 17th Square, Al Rasheed St., the Sea Road, Abu Sha'ban Building, 3rd Floor.
by email to :
The selection criteria that will be applied will focus on two levels:
- Financial offer proposed by the applicant (50%);
- Profile of the consultant, knowledge and experience, skills and competences (50%);, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.