Small Enterprise Training Developer and Trainer

Job Description

Catholic Relief Services
Jerusalem, West Bank, & Gaza (JWBG)

Small Enterprise Training Developer and Trainer


Since 1943, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has served over 100 million impoverished and disadvantaged people in more than 100 countries. CRS’ program areas include agriculture, water and sanitation, education, emergency response, health, HIV, microfinance, peace building, and cross-cutting activities that address nutrition, good governance and gender. For each of these sectors, access to finance is critical in supporting the asset protection and livelihood strategies of vulnerable households served by CRS and its partners.     

In Gaza, the socioeconomic situation has been in a state of steady decline for the past decade. Six years of intermittent armed conflict with Israel combined with a comprehensive blockade stretching back to 2007, restricted freedom of movement for both people and goods, and nearly annual flooding events have had a profound impact on nearly every person in the Gaza Strip. The most recent armed conflict of July/August 2014 devastated Gaza’s people and infrastructure, exacerbating an already fragile situation. Now more than ever, Gaza’s most vulnerable residents are highly susceptible to frequent man-made and natural shocks. Frequent loss of assets and an inability to self-recover over the years has led to spiraling poverty and heavy dependence on international aid.
In assessments, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and community surveys, the constant refrain from Gaza residents is for support that is sustainable, resilient, and that empowers instead of creating dependency. Based on this clear, consistent feedback, decades of practical on the ground experience in Gaza, Catholic Relief Services Jerusalem, West Bank & Gaza have been implementing Savings and Internal Lending Communities (SILC groups) to help adults, mostly women, build their social and financial capital.  SILC groups are self-selecting since motivation and trust between members are the most essential aspects for group success.  

While the SILC methodology is open to all, past experience both in Gaza and around the world shows that women are more strongly inclined to participate mostly due to the barriers (both formal and informal) that women face in accessing formal financial services, but also because women are interested in the social aspects of group participation. As a next step in this programming, CRS seeks a consultant to work with CRS and partners to create a locally relevant Micro-enterprise training component, including a training of trainers’ format for community mobilizers, private service providers, CRS staff and local partners.  CRS will add this Micro-enterprise training component to existing and new SILC groups in Gaza with potential expansion of the training model to SILC groups in the West Bank.  


The purpose of these Terms of Reference (TOR) is to describe the tasks and responsibilities of a consultant needed to assist CRS-JWBG staff, partners, and volunteers to start a Small Enterprise Development (SED) Training of Trainers.  Catholic Relief Services (CRS) seeks a single or team of consultants to design and lead SED training curriculum development and initial training of trainers from August – October 2016.
How to apply:

Interested applicants with relevant experience and education are encouraged to submit an application as follows:

Application form and complete Terms of Reference

-Applications will be accepted from individuals or groups.
-Submit a technical application that includes
- Summary of relevant previous experience of the consultant and his/her team members, or in case of individual submission, the experience of the applicant trainer
- CV of lead consultant and any support trainers,
- A sample of previously done piece of work in relevant topic; training, curriculum, or plans, and
- a clarification letter of availability and suggested duration/timing of engagement if the applicant cannot accommodate to the proposed timeline mention in this TOR.

-Submit a financial proposal. Prices should be in New Israeli Shekels and must be valid up till 90 days after the submission date.

The financial proposal must identify the daily rate and the total cost and should respect the maximum limit mentioned in this TOR. Please also clarify the estimated cost of submitting English version of the activity curriculum.


Apply Online

no later than 5 August 2016, 4:00 pm.

-The successful bidder will sign all donor required documents.
-CRS reserves the right to reject all bids, and to decide not to pursue this procurement. CRS is not obliged to procure the lowest priced offer, when the lowest price does not offer the best overall value, all other factors considered.

For any questions, kindly contact CRS at  [email protected] or Tel: 08-2881167., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Small Enterprise Training Developer and Trainer
Deadline 05 - Aug - 2016
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: