Social Worker
Job Description
Job Title Social Workers
Number of postions: 2
Duty station Hebron, Tubas
Reports to Area Manager, PROJECT MANAGERS
Accountable to Protection Coordinator
Work in cooperation with Protection Officer, technical engineers, SOCIAL WORKERS, CPA SPECIALIST, IT MANAGER, PM
Tasks and Responsibilities
- To work closely with other staff members, partners and other relevant stakeholders for activities implementation, such as assessments/studies, trainings, scheduling and leading meetings, workshops, etc.
- To organise and conduct filed surveys and assessments, and to support both social work at field and office levels.
- To document methods, good practices, experiences and results from the targeted communities and partners.
- To provide inputs on project information and documentation (including stories, photos, articles, etc.) to WeWorld-GVC Communications Manager.
- To identify individual cases that in need for management, and provide required data including communication with stakeholders, documentation, data entry/modifications, completing social study reports
- To conduct individual/family interviews to recommend interventions based on a designed specific intervention plan and to address the needs using the generalist approach of social work;
- To closely work with protection officer and staff members on data collection, analyses and prodution of documents related to projects.
- To identify, evaluate and make recommendations concerning communities needs on the bases of Development or Emergency interventions
- To establish and maintain working relationship, in his/her area with allied resources, public institutions and any other related stakeholders, at the operational level
- To participate, as requested, in workshops, meetings intended to weather as operational requirement or to improve professional knowledge and skills relevant to his/her field of work
- To submit regular activities work plans and reports in consultation with the Area Manager.
- To perform any other additional duty on request of his/her supervisor
Reporting Tasks:
- Follows up and ensures submission of reports in a timely manner, of his/her own supervised activities and from partners according the WEWORLD-GVC existing reporting procedures.
- Plan, elaborate and ensure proper filling of data collected, under the supervision of the Protection Coordinator and in coordination with the Information Manager.
- Ongoing review of the data inserted and displayed on the organization’s online platform.
- Submit weekly plans and reports.
Institutional Outputs Responsibilities:
- Use of Online Calendar
- Individual Action Plan
- Minutes of meeting
- Final Report on Protection Methodology implementation
- Timely deliverables according to Individual Action Plans, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Job Requirements
Job Requirements:
- Minimum 3 years of experience in social works and data analysis, preferably with INGOs with solid background about local humanitarian and developmental context in Palestine.
- University degree in relevant specialization like social science, environment, political science etc.
- Competency in data collection and analysis based on global protection definitions.
- Proven experience and competence in community empowerment or social development.
- High interpersonal skills (management art) including but not limited to team building, communications, problem solving, facilitation, etc.
- Knowledge in protection crosscutting issues (GBV, PSEA, child protection, etc) and safe referral pathways is preferable.
- Good command of written and spoken English.
- Valid driving license for automatic and/or manual cars, with clear history.
Job Details
Job Title
Social Worker
18 - Jul - 2022
Hebron, Tubas
Job Type
Full time
Position Level
Mid Career
Bachelor's degree
3 Years
Social Science
Application Instructions
Interested candidates should send their CV along with a cover letter, both in English and Position in the email subject, to
[email protected] no later than 18 July 2022
[email protected] no later than 18 July 2022
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