Job Description

Terms of Reference for Basic Strategic Planning Consultancy

Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research – Bethlehem

March 2018


Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research is a space for art, education and research. The center will host and organize art exhibitions, workshops, master classes, seminars, and a residency program to host local and international artists, researchers, musicians, and filmmakers. In addition, the center will be devoted to cultural, and educational activities in collaboration with local communities and other centers in the Bethlehem area and from there outwards to the rest of Palestine. 


Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research through the Institute for Palestine Studies (IPS) is seeking to recruit a consultant to undertake a simple strategic planning process and the formulation of a basic road map for strategy to be completed in March of 2018. This is consultancy is supported through “Visual Arts:  A Flourishing Field” (VAFF) project, an A. M. Qattan Foundation project funded by the Consulate General of Sweden represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The description of this position is as follows:

Given that Dar Jacir is a new and emerging initiative, there is a need to help the founders and advisory committee to determine the vision, mission and strategic objectives as well as to chart out a work-plan for the coming three years.

Objectives of the Assignment

The objective of this assignment is to develop basic elements of a strategic direction and a work-plan and a simple monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for the upcoming three years (2018 to 2021) for Dar Jacir. The consultancy will lead the development of a simplified strategy that will revisit the vision, mission and strategic objectives of Dar Jacir and help determine and articulate the future direction of the initiative. Moreover, the assignment will include the development of an action plan and M&E framework for the first three years with defined timeframes and targets.

Scope of Work

The Strategic Plan will be developed in a participatory process, conducted in Bethlehem and Ramallah. This will mutually inform and create ownership especially amongst Dar Jacir’s founders and advisory committee and key stakeholders and target beneficiaries.

The consultant is required to accomplish the following:

  • Prepare a detailed work plan for completing the assignment and achieving its objective.
  • Desk review of Dar Jacir’s key documents.
  • Interview and meet Dar Jacir’s Director, Founders, Staff, Advisory Committee members and other key stakeholders to get a clear and better understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization, its potential strengths and weaknesses, challenges, risks it might face and potential opportunities and mitigation measures.
  • Conduct a two-to-three-day workshop to develop the main parts of the strategic plan which will include relevant stakeholders, Dar Jacir’s founder, advisory committee and staff.
  • The topics to be covered include, but not limited to, the following:
  • Internal environment analysis - SWOT analysis
  • Core values
  • Vision statement
  • Mission statement
  • Strategic priorities and target groups
  • Strategic Goals/Objectives
  • Outreach strategy
  • Program and Projects to be implemented in the coming three years
  • Review of the current organization structure and provide recommendations for improvement based on the established strategic goals/objectives and programs/projects
  • Implementation plan including yearly targets and budgets, suggested donors, etc.
  • Monitoring and evaluation framework
  • Prepare and submit to Dar Jacir a draft basic strategic plan within 2 weeks of completing the workshop.
  • Finalize and submit the strategy within one week after incorporating comments and inputs received from Dar Jacir.
  • Present the final basic plan to Dar Jacir founders, staff, advisory committee and other stakeholders.

Key Deliverables

  • A three-year basic strategic plan in English. The strategy as explained above, should include a section on audience building, risk assessment and potential donors.
  • Three-year action plan and M&E framework

Time Frame and Expected Level of Effort

The assignment will be carried out over March 2018. With an expected level of effort of 2 weeks, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Consultant’s Required Qualifications

  • Master degree or higher in management, social sciences or related field.
  • Extensive experience working with the NGO sector.
  • At least 5 years’ experience conducting consultancy assignments and trainings to NGOs.
  • Knowledge and experience in developing strategic plans for NGOs.
  • Fluent written and spoken Arabic and English.
  • Experience working in the cultural sector is preferred.
  • Ability to conduct the consultancy during 30 working days starting on March 12 , 2018

Contract type and terms of payments

Dar Jacir through the Institute of Palestine Studies (IPS) will sign a lump-sum contract with the consultant. Payments will be based on deliverables satisfactory to both Dar Jacir, and the AMQF and will be made against written invoices/payment request, submitted by the consultant to Dar Jacir. Payments will be made upon 100% completion of the planning workshop and the submission of a final report and conducting the presentation.

Job Details
Job Title Strategic Planning Consultant
Deadline 08 - Mar - 2018
Location Bethlehem
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Master's degree
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

Application process

Interested and qualified consultants/companies should send the following requirements (in English) by email to: [email protected] no later than 16:00 Palestine Time on March 8, 2018.

  • CV and letter of interest
  • A 2-page methodology for the consultancy
  • An action plan for the consultancy
  • Budget breakdown of expected costs (including transportation and other relevant costs) clearly divided in budget line items that reflect actual costs.
  • All prices should be provided in USD and must include all applicable taxes/fees (see below).

* Please note that foreign companies/individuals are subject to 10% income tax deduction based on Palestinian Income Tax Law. Local Individuals with no tax registration in Palestine are subject to 5% income tax deduction based on Palestinian Income Tax Law. Companies registered in Palestine are required to provide official tax invoices with a valid “Deduction at Source” certificate.

Quotations received after the deadline will not be considered.

Incomplete submissions will disqualify applicants.

Questions about this consultancy can be addressed to [email protected]  by March 5, 2018 @12.00 Noon Palestine local time.

Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research is Supported by the A. M. Qattan Foundation through the ‘Visual Arts: A Flourishing Field’ Project, funded by the Consulate General of Sweden represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

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