Job Description

Proposed position Technical Support Expert

Activity name, description and number Procurement Support for IDEAL LED Financing Grants


Background of the Country Programme and expected results

TThe IDEAL Palestine programme aims to build the capacity to form and implement inclusive Local Economic Development projects and policies of staff and leaders of selected Palestinian municipalities and its supporting organizations, i.e. the Ministry of Local Government (MoLG), the Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), and the Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA).
Specific objectives of IDEAL Program:
   1. Palestinian municipalities can create better conditions for economic growth and generate more employment opportunities, through more effective, gender sensitive, and responsive services in the area of Local Economic Development (LED);
      2. Decision-making processes at the municipal level in the area of local economic development are more inclusive, gender sensitive, and transparent;
      3. The policy and institutional environment for LED in Palestine enables the role of local governments as LED providers.

Context for current Terms of Reference

Five municipalities, Al-Bireh, Dura, Jericho, Qalqiliya and Ramallah receive consultancy services, and works/goods from the MDLF through a VNG International financed grant. Each municipality is eligible to receive these consultancy or works/goods packages in two phases and based on (1) approved LED Institutionalization action plans in 2018 and (2) finalized LED project Business Cases in 2019.

The first phase was that of the LED Institutionalization action plans. They were drafted by the municipalities themselves and contain lists of services and items of to be procured services and goods in order to establish and operationalize municipal LED Units.

The total amount of the grant in this phase amounts to €150.000, with little over €70.000 currently realized in spending contracted. The remaining €80.000 is recovered from savings or allocated but still uncontracted. For these savings and uncontracted but allocated items, formulation of Specification Documents, and specifically Terms of References, is required.  

The total amount of the grant in this phase amounts to €150.000, with little over €70.000 currently realized in spending contracted. The remaining €80.000 is recovered from savings or allocated but still uncontracted. For these savings and uncontracted but allocated items, formulation of Specification Documents, and specifically Terms of References, is required., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Aim of this assignment

The expert is to assist MDLF and VNGi in writing Terms of References for:

(1) the existing procurement backlog, and 

(2) the Business Case grants 

Activities to be performed

The first phase procurement

  1. Liaise between the LED Unit Officers/Managers of the 5 municipalities and MDLF programme management and determine the exact requirements of each listed item. If necessary, adapt items to current needs.
  2. Formulate ToRs according to the procurement regulations of MDLF and the determined requirements.
  3. Attain approvals on the ToRs from the concerned municipalities, MDLF and VNGi

The second phase or Business Case procurement

  1. Formulate ToRs according to the procurement regulations of MDLF and the requirements provided by VNGi/MDLF.
  2. Attain approvals on the ToRs from the concerned municipalities, MDLF and VNGi

Outputs (expected deliverables)

Development of all Terms of References

Level of effort of the assignment

The starting date will be in January 2020. All Terms of References should be ready within 3 months. All activities regarding Phase 1 should be finalized by the end of the first month.

Reporting and place of the assignment

The expert will cooperate closely with the MDLF manager for VNG International and the VNG International programme management staff in Palestine. Throughout the activities, the expert is expected to keep MDLF and VNGi programme management appraised in a daily manner of progress and submit a weekly progress report.  

Job Details
Job Title Technical Support Expert
Deadline 22 - Jan - 2020
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 5 Years
Category Other
Application Instructions

Interested candidates should send their CVs and the daily fee rate in USD to Mrs. Amal Odeh, [email protected] before 22 January 2020. 

Please mention Technical Support Expert in the subject line.

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