ToR -Final evaluation \ Inheritance Project
Terms of Reference
Evaluation of the “Inheritance Denied II: Promoting Palestinian women’s social and economic rights through encouraging access to inheritance” project
Background Information and Rationale
DanChurchAid is an independent, faith-based non-missionary humanitarian and development non-governmental organization (NGO) with headquarter based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
DanChurchAid is rooted in the Danish National Evangelical Lutheran Church, but is active wherever we find the need is highest, regardless of religion, gender, political beliefs, race, and national or ethnic origins, handicaps or sexual orientation. Our work is based on a Christian view of humanity with respect for every individual’s rights and equal worth. DanChurchAid carries out its work within the objective: "To help and be advocates of oppressed, neglected and marginalized groups in poor countries and to strengthen their possibilities of a life in dignity”. DanChurchAid’s aim is to strengthen the world’s poorest people in their struggle for a life in dignity. For more information about DCA, please refere to our homepage
DanChurchAid (hereafter referred to as ‘the Contracting Authority’) is undertaking an EU funded project titled “Inheritance Denied II: Promoting Palestinian women’s social and economic rights through encouraging access to inheritance.” (hereafter referred to as ‘the Action’) targeting women’s inheritance rights in OPT.
Overall objective(s:) To contribute to the Palestinian women's social and economic empowerment.
Specific objective(s): To help Palestinian women to gain access to their inheritance rights
The project is implemented by:
Action’s partners are:
-The East Jerusalem Young Men’s Christian Association (EJ YMCA)
-Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC)
-Women Affairs Center- Gaza Strip (WAC)
DanChurchAid works to address Gender Inequality. We have a policy document concerning this issue – see:
This action seeks to contribute to women’s social and economic empowerment through the promotion of women’s access to inheritance and property ownership. It builds on the momentum that exists within the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to implement a Cross Sectoral National Gender Strategy (CSNGS) aimed at promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. By targeting policy makers and lobbying for institutional change, this action will be in line with the work of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA) as it promotes gender sensitive policy development in various ministries and government institutions.
This project aims to implement activities at the local (micro) and national (macro) levels that raise awareness of women’s inheritance rights and mobilize decision makers to make institutional and policy-level changes leading to increased access to economic resources for women.
The project will also develop the capacity of the local CBOs (meso-level) to advocate for women’s access to and control of their rightful inheritance. Under both Palestinian civil law and Sharia law, women are entitled to half the inheritance share of men, but are often coerced into giving up this right to male relatives. This makes women financially reliant on relatives, severely limiting independence and raising vulnerability.
This action contributes to improving women’s access to the protection afforded them under current law raising awareness among individual women and men, as well as duty bearers and public employees, so that they understand what women are entitled to. It also advocates at the national policy level to adopt a new structural framework in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) ensuring a woman’s right to inherit. By developing existing strategic partnerships with local CBOs, rural women from the most isolated, vulnerable communities in OPT will be educated as to their inheritance rights.
Deadline of submission
The deadline for proposal submission is CoB of Saturday, February 6, 2016 at the following email:, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.