TOR for programme Evaluation (Consultant)

Job Description

Terms of Reference for Programme Evaluation: DCA Palestine Country Programme

Programme Title:Palestine Country Programme (PCP)
Type of Evaluation:Evaluation
Period under Evaluation:2011-2015
Dates of Evaluation:January – February 2015
Purpose of the evaluation:The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the achievements of the Programme against its objectives, and to make recommendations for the design of the next strategic period (2016 – 2019)

The  DCA Palestine Country Programme has three strategic priority themes: Active Citizenship and Livelihoods and Humanitarian Assistance. They are operationalised under three immediate objectives under the Palestine Country programme.  The overall goal of the PCP for 2011-2015 is: to ensure that the rights of Palestinians to sustainable livelihoods and self-determination are respected, protected and fulfilled.

The total budget for the PCP in 2014 is approximately DKK 29 million, and main funding sources are the DANIDA Frame Grant, DANIDA Humanitarian Grant, ECHO and Europe Aid funding.

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Applications are through email by contacting [email protected]

Deadline is 9th of December., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title TOR for programme Evaluation (Consultant)
Deadline 09 - Dec - 2014
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category Other
Application Instructions
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