TOR:Social Media Cunsultant

Job Description

“Our Voice Counts”
Stars of Hope Society

Persons with disabilities (PWDs) comprise at least 15 % of the global population, with approximately 80 % living in developing countries. Thereby, women with disabilities (WWDs) face the "intersection" of gender and disability, which combines to create a particular experience of discrimination, distinct from those of non-disabled women or men with disabilities, which also impacts on their political participation. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) ranked the Arab World as the second-lowest region in the world on the Gender Empowerment Measure; this indicates the lack of relevant knowledge and skills in WWDs and their organizations as regards to disability rights, gender and political processes and mechanisms and effective means of advocacy for their political rights.
Due to this discrimination against women with disability and the lack of organisations that target this issue, Stars of Hope Society (SHS) was established as an effort to address the needs of women with disability and support them in realising their rights. Since its foundation in 2006, SHS has been eager to increase awareness about women with disability, their status, reality and needs as an endeavour to promote equality in education, employment and all walks of life.  Furthermore, SHS has been successful at increasing the awareness of women with disabilities on their rights, as well as building their capacities and developing their professional skills to increase their chances on reaching out for equal job opportunities.
In order to address the exclusion of WWDs and their concern from political processes and agendas in the Middle East (ME), Stars of Hope Society (SHS) proposed a two years project ‘Our voice Counts’ to enhance the effective participation of WWDs and their organisations (DPOs) in Egypt, Palestine and Jordan in political transition processes and their influence on related governmental and civil society (CS) actors through the  development of the capacities of WWDs and their organisations on disability rights, gender, political processes and advocacy, the promotion of innovative advocacy and good practise in the promotion of their political participation, and the development of networks, coordination and dialogue of WWDs and their organisations with other civil society actors (especially women’s rights groups) and political actors & institutions at national and regional level aims to ensure that the voices of WWDs are heard and they play active roles in the legal and policy reform processes in this critical transitional period in the region.


-Beneficiary :
Stars of Hope Society

Main objective:
Guiding Stars of Hope Society (SHS) in developing & implementing its social media strategy to address the needs of women with disability and support them in realising their rights

Scope of Work:
-To develop SHS social media strategy
-To guide SHS staff and partners in implementing the social media strategy
-To develop the capacity of SHS and partners to implement social media strategy
-To provide ongoing coaching and technical guidance on the use of social media and ICT for WWDs and their organisations in each country (the ones who were targeted during the regional training conducted by SHS)
-To disseminate all of projects’ products (toolkits, guidelines, reports, brochures...etc) over social media and the web sites of SHS and partners
-To ensure the respect of social media guideline as a policy of social media for SHS (especially the contents and its accessibility)
-To Supervise SHS digital presence
-To produce a regular feeds (text, image, video,…)  in coordination with SHS team and develop calendar to disseminate this feeds.
-To response to audience engagement in coordination with SHS team (Dedicate time to keeping up to date with audience postings)
-To advise SHS team to collect information and documenting projects’ activities to be used in social media
-Monitoring the growth and impact of SHS projects’ online media presence and utilize online social media analytics tools to monitor the implementation and produce a simple report on quarterly basis based on findings.

Expected results:
-SHS social media strategy for 2014 2015
-Develop and implement social media advocacy campaign
-Organise workshops for SHS staff and partners for capacity development
-Establish and admin social media channels for SHS
-One active page at Facebook for SHS
-One active blog for SHS
-One active Twitter account for SHS
-One active YouTube channel

-At least 3 posts per week from consultant
-At least 3 post per day from partners
-At least 1000 online views of the published documents by SHS
-At least 200 members in every social media channels
-At least 50 audience engagement on hot topics (comments or shares) per month
-Social media analytics report every month and at the end of project

Working schedule:
-Weekly meetings with SHS team or partners to be agreed on regular basis with the consultant
-Monthly reporting on progress and plans

-Mission expected start date: 15th of March, 2014
-Mission end date: 31st of December, 2014
-Service location(s): Palestine, Jordan, Egypt


Interested candidates (individuals or companies) are kindly requested to send technical & financial proposal including:
-The consultant’s understanding of requested mission and tasks
-Methodology of work 
-Brief notes about the proposed tools
-Brief notes about the proposed structure about the final outputs
-Submit similar product/reports produced by consultant if any
-Time table for the mission
-Overall budget for the requested mission
-The deadline for the offer is 11/3/2014 at 3:00 pm, and should be submitted at stars of hope society office, Located at Al Balou', behind plaza mall, ALMAHSRI Building, 3rd   Floor., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title TOR:Social Media Cunsultant
Deadline 11 - Mar - 2014
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: