Job Description

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Individual Consultant 

Trainer of chefs

For the project

“Vocational Culinary program for Chefs development: economic opportunities for Palestinian youth”

Established in 1981, The Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD) is a non-governmental women’s, mass, developmental, and learning human rights organization that contributes to developing feminist struggle within national, social, and developmental dimensions. The organization believes that liberating women is connected directly with ending the occupation and establishing a full Palestinian democratic sovereign civil state. PWWSD is active all over West Bank including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip and is an active member in several local, regional, and global networks and coalitions. 

The Palestinian Working Women’s Society for Development (PWWSD) aims for a free and democratic Palestinian society based on gender equality, respect for human rights and social justice. PWWSD promotes women self-empowerment, women’s participation in the struggle against the Israeli occupation, women’s contribution to the development processes, the entitlement of woman to political, economic and civic rights, women’s access to justice and their right to a life free of violence.

PWWSD seeks an individual consultant for the project " Vocational Culinary program for Chefs development: economic opportunities for Palestinian youth”. The objective of this consultancy is to hire a trainer of chefs to providing young females and males with a passion for cooking, with culinary skills and capacities, introducing them into a new way of making art.


In a context where job opportunities are reduced for Palestinian youth, that struggle to make their way into the job market and gain economic autonomy and work experience, providing with practical tools and skills is highly important. 

In Palestine, the existence of training facilities teaching different cooking techniques are hard to find at affordable prices, factually excluding women and men with a passion for cooking but with reduced resources. 

The Vocational Culinary program for Chefs development at PWWSD aims at providing young females and males with a passion for cooking, with culinary skills and capacities, introducing them into a new way of making art, and sharing those creations with their communities, setting the opportunity to make a career out of it. 

Youth with reduced means will be selected to participate in the program, both women and men, an important element to break gender roles on both sides, since, on the one hand, women are generally confined to domestic tasks such as cooking at the homes –thence, introducing men to it will help ending such stereotype. On the other hand, often, there is a gender imbalance in the culinary industry, where chefs are predominantly male, largely prevailing in the kitchens of the food establishments over women, being this a male-dominated sector at large –thus, expanding women’s presence in the professional culinary industry will also help ending gender inequalities by which women have difficulties accessing higher ranking positions. 

The Overall Objective of the project is the following: “Advancing Palestinian youth economic opportunities through capacity building and practical job experience.”

The Specific Objective of the project is the following: “Introducing Palestinian youth to international cuisine preparation in order to increase their economic opportunities and empowerment.”

The expected outcomes of the project are:

  • Result 1: The capacities and skills of young females and males have been strengthened, increasing their economic and employment opportunities.
  • Result 2: Young females and males have had practical culinary experience, enhancing their preparedness for the job market.

Scope of Work (SoW)

The consultant is expected to fulfill the following:


  • Deliver a 20-hours Italian cuisine workshop for 9 young females and males.
  • Deliver of a 20-hours oriental cuisine workshop for 9 young females and males.
  • The consultant is expected to train the selected young people on the arts of culinary and mentor their performance throughout the training.
  • The consultant is expected to perform tasks of inventory Management; Quality Control; Monitoring Safety standards, and coordinating with the purchasing department in regard with buy the needed material for the training
  • The consultant is expected to monitoring students’ progress through the workshop and that to evaluate their work at the end of the training.
  • The consultant is expected to report on the progress of the training, and that to produce a final report for each workshop.
  • Participants are expected to have understanding of the cultures of the aforementioned cuisines and that to have access to an intercultural experience of knowledge and practice., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Required Qualifications

  • 5+ years’ work experience in Italian and oriental cuisines, working as executive chef, or kitchen manager.
  • Acceptance of the responsibility to promote the welfare and best interests of students at all times.
  • Acceptance of and willingness to support the role the PWWSD serves, and specifically the mission, values, goals and objectives of the organization.
  • Plate decoration experience and skills.
  • Team player & team leadership ability.
  • Ability to work under pressure.
  • Two or more academic years of college level teaching experience.
  • An associate's degree (or higher) in culinary arts or a related field from an accredited institution.

Consultancy duration

The maximum duration for the consultancy services is 4-months from signing date of the consultancy contract.

Job Details
Job Title Trainer of chefs
Deadline 16 - Feb - 2020
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Diploma
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

Interested consultants are required to prepare and submit the following:

    • CV of the consultant.
    • Financial offer: budget breakdown of the proposed costs in EUR.

Interested consultants are requested to be sent to [email protected], with the subject line: “PWWSD Trainer of chefs”, latest by 16th of February, 2020.

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