Training of 80 farmers and Community members
The Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC) is a leading Palestinian Agricultural Development Organization that was established in 1983. Since its establishment, PARC has been efficiently engaged in Palestinian land development, water resources & environment, poverty reduction and women empowerment, olive oil marketing, as well as other crucial rural development programs.
In accordance with its mandate, PARC will be implementing a project titles “Enhance Resilience to Climate Change for Small Scale-Breeders". This project is in partnership with Christian Aid.
Price offer for consultancy service titled in:
Training of 80 farmers and Community members about Building Back Better, Disaster Risk Reduction and Good practices at the farm level
PARC is seeking a highly qualified consultant team/firm to conduct the 144 training hours about the previous topics.
The consultation company profile should include:
-Good knowledge and extensive practice applying in the training field especially in the agriculture filed.
-Good relevant experience in the BBB and DRR training.
-Relevant geographical experience in the Gaza Strip, ideally including previous work in the Gaza Strip.
-Ability to communicate fluently and write strong reports in English and Arabic.
-Ability to work with a diverse team and under pressure to produce agreed deliverables in a timely manner.
-The consultant must be collaborative, willing to share thoughts, ideas, and make constructive criticism
Application for the Assignment
Interested candidates are requested to receive the ToR documents from PARC Office in Gaza - Zaytoun – Salah Ellddin Road - opposite Abu Gebah Petroleum Station from Monday 31/07/2017 until Sunday 06/08/2017.
The cost of the advertisement will be paid by the winner consultation company.
Notice that the application deadline will be on 06/08/2017., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.