Trainer in Rules & Regulations in Travel Industry and...

Job Description

Modern University College is seeking a Trainer in International Rules and Regulations in Travel Industry and Hospitality, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

This call for trainer(s) is open for individual trainers.

The trainer should conduct a training course for staff (TOT) for 10 to 15 faculty members and private sector institutions supervisors. 


The trainer has to consult with the MUC project management and project coordinator. The trainer tasks will include but not be limited to the following:

- Preparing training course layout, design overall course-work activities, and other documents such as a handouts and exercises.
- Prepare training course learning materials based on conceptual understanding of new learning approach and its application in tourism program.
- Developing an action plan for conducting the training mission. This includes the main topics to be covered and the types of evaluation methodologies used. 
- Delivering around 18 hours TOT course to a group of 10-15 trainers (mentors and supervisors staff from private sector and an academic staff from MUC ) in the field of International Rules and regualtions in travel industry and hospitality as well as helping them to utilize efficient teaching methodologies in the same field. 
- Empower participants in the realted topics. 
- Use a participatory approach in conducting the training. 
- Motivate, promote and assist trainees in the required assignment. 
- Use group team based training methods. 
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the training course based on the intended outcomes. 
- Provide project management with a progress report during training and upon course completion. 
Job Details
Job Title Trainer in Rules & Regulations in Travel Industry and...
Deadline 24 - Oct - 2019
Location Ramallah
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Master's degree
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

Applications should include a cover letter, CV, and financial proposal to be received only by email at [email protected]

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