Transimission Engineer,Wireless Network Engineer,Core Networ

Job Description
GlobalCom Telecommunications Plc, a leading provider of wireless internet and VoIP services,serving both nationawide residential and business customers,is seeking to fill the following positions  in its head office in Ramallah
Transimission Engineer:
Special Qualifications:

-Microwave site survey and selection
-Line of site calculation
-Equipmenet configuration and installtion
-Knowledge in fiber optic cables is a plus
-Minimum 3 years of experience

Wireless Network Engineer:
Specail Qualifications:

-Wi-Fi planning & deployment
-Wireless networking configuration & optimization
-Access points installtion & testing
-Minimum 3 years of experience

Core Networking Engineer:
Speical Qualifications :

-Very good knowledge of access servers for Wi-Fi networks
-Very good knowledge of services configuration applications for Wi-Fi networks
-Experience with management systems for Wi-Fi networks
-Minimum 3 years of expeeince.

General Qulaifications & skills :
-Minimum a Bachelor's degree from an accedited university
-Citizen of Ramallah is prefereable
-Vey good writing and communications skills (English & Arabic)
-Very good command of Microsoft office package (i.e Word,Excel, and PowerPoint).
-Can work under pressure for long working hours
-Salariesabove average and based on experience
-Incentive packages apply for successful candidates

Cover letter and cirriculum vitae should be submitted in English no later than May 5th,2009
only by email to : [email protected], Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title Transimission Engineer,Wireless Network Engineer,Core Networ
Deadline 05 - May - 2009
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary Above average
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Category I.T. & Tech
Application Instructions
when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: