Job Description


Capability, Accountability and Sustainability Programme (CASP)

15 April 2019 - 30 June 2019


  • Background

The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) is dedicated to making states and people safer through more effective and accountable security and justice. Since 2000, DCAF has facilitated, driven and shaped Security Sector Reform (SSR) policy and programming around the world

The Capability, Accountability and Sustainability Programme (CASP) is a UK funded programme of support to the Palestinian Security Sector. CASP will deliver improved financial and human resources management, policy-making capability, a more effective security sector complaints handling system, and increased internal accountability of Palestinian Authority Security Forces (PASF).

DCAF will design and submit a multi-year programme proposal to support the objective. In support of the outcome, the Technical Assistance programme will support interventions in five identified thematic areas:

  1. Planning and research
  2. M&E
  3. Public financial management
  4. Complaints
  5. Human resources

Prior to the project implementation phase a three months inception phase will be launched on 1 April 2019. The purpose of the inception phase is to develop detailed methodologies to deliver the scope of work in the four areas: planning and research; public financial management; human resources management; and complaints. The inception phase will ensure that the rest of the programme (the implementation phase) is designed in a way to effectively respond to and deliver the expected outcomes. Importantly, the inception phase will also help define which of these desired results are feasible to expect within the scope of the programme, and which may require a different or more long-term engagement.

  • Purpose of Mandate

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Senior Programme Manager and the Strategic Advisor, the Translator will undertake the following duties and responsibilities:

- Translate written documents and submit translation in word processed documents;

- Providing consecutive interpretation during workshops or meetings, in accordance with the Project’s working plan;

- Editing of documents from English to Arabic and vice versa;

- Provide high quality translation of documents;

- Ensure accuracy of terms and terminology used in the documents - Ensure translation is written with style, correct grammar and spelling

- Complete the work within the agreed timeline and submit the final translation in soft copy., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements

Expert qualifications

Education, knowledge and experience

  • Master’s degree in Linguistics, Economics, Social Science, Business or related areas;
  • 3-5 years of professional translation experience in the relevant area
  • Demonstrated good understanding of technical terms used in areas of security and justice, organizational development, and good governance;
  • Proven skills in translation and interpretation from and into English and vice versa;
  • Excellent communication skill in both English and Arabic.


-Strong analytical and writing skills with proven skills in policy recommendations and problem identification and solving;

-Excellent communication;

-Proven problem-solving skills;

-Ability to work under pressure and towards tight deadlines;

-Cultural sensitivity;

-IT skills, particularly in Word and Excel.


The ethical principles for the professional performance of the Mandatee shall be as follows:

Anonymity and confidentiality:

The Mandatee must guarantee anonymity and confidentiality for any persons providing information in the context of this assignment.


Problems arising during the assignment shall be immediately communicated to DCAF.


The Mandatee shall guarantee their independence from the activities implemented. The Mandatee will communicate all and any conflicts of interest to DCAF.

Validation of information:

The Mandatee shall be responsible for guaranteeing the veracity of information collected and presented in the outputs produced.

Delivery of outputs:

If delays in delivering the outputs occur or if DCAF deems the quality of work insufficient, DCAF may withhold the payment of instalments linked to these activities and outputs.

Job Details
Job Title Translator
Deadline 18 - May - 2019
Location Ramallah
Job Type Full time
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Master's degree
Experience 3 Years
Application Instructions

Interested candidates should send an email to [email protected] attaching their CV in the following format Lastname.CV (PDF). The email’s subject should be ‘Translator’.

Deadline is on 18th May 2019.

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