Job Description

Translation services for Humanity & Inclusion trainings, workshops and HR documents


Handicap International is running its projects under the new name of Humanity & Inclusion (HI). Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and by vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity. HI is an international, independent and impartial non-profit organisation that intervenes in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, HI takes action and takes notice, to meet their basic needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

HI in Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT):

Since 1996, HI has implemented various actions with local partners in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In a territory beset by chronic crises, political instability, and a declining economic and social situation since the second intifada in 2000, HI aims to respond to the needs of persons with disabilities and to make structural improvements to their lives.

HI seeks the services of qualified translators to support translation works for HI workshops, trainings and HR materials from English to Arabic & vice versa with a special focus on but not limited to disability and translate of some of its organizational materials.


the translator will work closely with HI Gaza Administrative & HR Officer who will be the focal liaison person with the Project managers & the support services department to:
Translate from and to English, Arabic HI publications and a broad range of technical training materials & HR documents.
Ensure that the translated text is linguistically and grammatically correct and error free, and that it meets the standards of completely edited and revised.
Ensure that the translated text uses HI standard terminology, and the language and styles are consistent.
Maintain confidentiality of materials translated and share them only with HI.
Return to HI all original documentation and the translated documents to HI in a word document, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Job Requirements


- Hold a bachelor's degree, preferably in Translation or English Literature
- At least 5 years of general translation from English and to Arabic and verse versa;
- At least 3 years of experience in the field of disability, and knowledge of disability terminology
- Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines and open to feedback.

Job Details
Job Title Translators
Deadline 15 - Apr - 2018
Location Gaza Strip
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Salary N/A
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience 5 Years
Application Instructions

The interested applicants should provide a detailed narrative and financial offer showing the following services:
- A list and examples of similar services offered and to which clients-including their contacts
- The cost of translation of general documents from English to Arabic and vice versa / per page
- The offer must be in Shekels (NIS) currency and should include all kind of incurred expenses; amount inclusive VAT

The service contract will be for one year duration. The potential Service provider will respectively bear the cost incurred for the current advertisement on
Interested candidates should send a copy of their CV; their proposed offers no later than 15th April 2018. It should be addressed to the following with reference to HI translation services: [email protected]

when applying to a job online , never give your credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction to a prospective employer. For your privacy and protection: