Job Description

UN Women Programme Analyst - Jerusalem

Brand :    UNWOMEN
Application Deadline :    12-May-16
Duty Station :    Jerusalem
Type of Contract :    Service Contract
Duration of Initial Contract :    one year
Expected Duration of Assignment :    30 April 2017

The UN Women (UNW), grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, the UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations system efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.
UN Women plays an innovative and catalytic role in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) since its inception in 1997. UN Women oPt focuses its activities on one overarching goal, namely to support the implementation at the national level of existing international commitments to advance gender equality in line with the national priorities. In support of this goal and thoroughly taking into consideration the specificities of the oPt context, UN Women concentrates its efforts and interventions toward the realization of following strategic goals: Engendering governance, peace and security; Supporting women's economic security and rights; and Promoting women’s rights and protection against violence.
In December 2006, UNDP and the Government of Spain signed a far-reaching agreement to establish a new fund to accelerate efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals, and to support the UN reform efforts at the country level. In 2007, the Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) was established by an agreement between the Government of Spain and the UNDP on behalf of the United Nations system. This was the largest development cooperation mechanisms designed to actively promote MDG achievement and inter-agency cooperation. In continuing their support of inter-agency cooperation aimed at MDG achievement, and based on the experience gained with the MDG-F, the Government of Spain and the UNDP have established a new Fund: the “Sustainable Development Goals Fund” (SDG-F). One of the thematic windows under the SDG-F is inclusive economic growth.
Through funding by the SDG-F in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), UN Women has led the development of the joint programme (JP) “Creating a One-Stop-Shop for Sustainable Businesses” in partnership with FAO and ITC, which is designed to contribute to fostering institutional and sustainable economic development through supporting women owned or run Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s) working in culture and agriculture industries. It aims at contributing to the achievement of MDG 1 (eradicating extreme poverty), MDG 3 (promoting gender equality and empowering women) and MDG 7 (ensuring environmental sustainability).
UN Women will work jointly with FAO and ITC in the oPt, in collaboration with governmental institutions (MoNE, MoL, NCWE, MoWA, MoA), local authorities, private sector, community based organizations and civil society at large. The programme relies on a participatory bottom-up approach to a) establish policies and practices for promoting and supporting MSME’s, b) creation of a one-stop-shop and two business shops to support cultural and agricultural MSME’s in developing and sustaining their businesses. Consequently it is expected that by the end of the project the following outcomes will be achieved: 
• Public and private sectors have enhanced policies and practices for inclusive socio-economic development of women owned/run MSME’s and cooperatives
• Increased access and competiveness of women run MSME’s and cooperatives’ products in local, regional and international markets.
Description of Responsibilities:
Under the overall guidance of UN Women Special Representative, and direct supervision of UN Women Programme Coordinator, UN Women is seeking to recruit a Programme Analyst who will manage and lead the implementation of the JP. The Analyst will be in charge of comprehensive quality control, responsible for the overall management of the JP, including managing partnerships, and UN Women staff working on the JP (the M&E officer, the Programme Associate, and the Admin and Finance Assistant). He/she will be also managing the coordination efforts through facilitating the JP Steering Committee; managing coordination between the partners, as well as overseeing the partners’ staff members working on the JP. Furthermore, he/she will be developing and following up on the comprehensive detailed action plan, in addition to acting as a liaison with the Steering Committee and the different agencies’ managers and coordinators.

Implementation and coordination of JP activities 
• Ensure that full synergies are developed in implementing the different JP components;
• Ensure that close cooperation and coordination is maintained with the donor, the National Steering committee and Programme Management Committee and the JP partners;
• Contribute to the implementation of the project activities, monitor, brief and guide the work of sub-contractor(s);
• Follow up on programme budget management and revision;
• Ensuring adherence to donor requirements and compliance with donor regulations;
• Ensure timely implementation of all programme activities and monitor the proper use of funds according to signed agreements and work plans;
• Liaise and coordinate programme activities between UN Women, FAO and ITC;
• Following up on the progress of each agency and defining the coming actions necessary to ensure the timely delivery of all JP components.

Monitoring and Evaluation, reporting and knowledge management
• Monitoring and supervise the action plans of JP’s implementing partners and provide relevant support avoiding time-gaps and bottle-necks.
• Supervise personnel assigned to the JP, hold regular JP staff meetings, support monthly planning of the work and regularly follow up on developments and challenges;
• Manage the JP’s project resources and administration to ensure proper accountability for and utilization of allocated funds;
• Prepare various written outputs (programme progress, final reports, financial statements, inputs for publications, etc.);
• Supervise the preparation of narrative reports on JP progress, oversee projects’ review and ensure Spanish cooperation visibility across JP’s implementation is compliant with rules and regulations;
• Regularly review planned activities, results and outcomes and make necessary modifications when needed in response to any emerging circumstances;
• Provide clear direction and monitor performance of staff working on the projects based on specific benchmarks;
• Monitor and compile related information regarding all activities involving the joint programme;
• Monitor potential and actual problems which could have a negative impact on the successful completion of the joint project, and help propose and elaborate appropriate solutions;
• Participate in the events that will be organized under the JP and ensure participation according to relevant criteria;
• Provide technical information and advice as needed.
• Provide support to the Economic Security and Rights programmes as required.

Creating strategic partnerships, networking and resource mobilization
• Build and maintain effective partnerships with the JP stakeholders such as the  Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of Labour, the National Committee for Women’s Employment, the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Planning and Development, as well as national NGOs and CSOs working with the sector to ensure ownership and delivery of projects’ results;
• Contribute and organize meetings among the programme partners;
• Participate in sector and strategic meetings specific meetings (UNDAF, LACS, sector working group, humanitarian clusters, etc. as per requested.
• Provide strategic inputs for JP implementation, policy development, partnership building and resource mobilization to inform decision making at the senior management level at UN Women.
• Contribute to the development of technical documents for projects, including those needed to initiate and generate momentum such as project proposals, and clear action plans for each project activity; prepare terms of reference, memoranda of understanding, project cooperation agreements and letters of agreement with government and non-governmental partners;
• Participate in regular meetings of the programme partners and stakeholders to discuss programme implementation progress and required action points.

visibility and communication
• Supervise the development and implementation of the communications strategy of the JP;
• Draft programme related knowledge products for publication and dissemination;
• Support knowledge building and knowledge sharing including synthesis and dissemination of lessons learned and best practices within the scope of work of the JP.

Competencies :

• Integrity: Demonstrating consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct;
• Cultural Sensitivity/Valuing diversity: Demonstrating an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrating an international outlook, appreciating differences in values and learning from cultural diversity. 

• Ethics and Values: Demonstrating / Safeguarding Ethics and Integrity;
• Organizational Awareness: Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment;
• Developing and Empowering People / Coaching and Mentoring: Initiative-taking; coaching and mentoring ability;
• Working in Teams: Acting as a team player and facilitating team work;
• Communicating Information and Ideas: Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively;
• Self-management and Emotional intelligence: Creating synergies through self-control.
• Conflict Management / Negotiating and Resolving Disagreements: Managing conflict;
• Knowledge Sharing / Continuous Learning: Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of other.

• Ability to provide sound guidance and to share technical knowledge to project partners in relation to the elimination of any form of discrimination against women including ending violence against women.
• Ability to lead formulation, implementation and monitoring of projects.
• Build strong relationships with partners, focusing on impact and results for the partners and responds positively to feedback
•  Ability to communicate project goals and results sufficiently both internal and external;
• Ability to work under pressure and with multi-disciplinary and multicultural teams and processes
• Ability for monitor project implementation progress against milestones and deadlines.
• Excellent interpersonal skills
• Experience in working on gender issues is required;
• Demonstrated strong programme management, coordination and facilitation skills;

Qualifications :


Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Economics, or related development fields.

•  A minimum of 4 years of professional experience in programme management and/or coordination;
• Proven experience of working on women’s economic empowerment of no less than 3 years will be considered as a significant asset;
• Knowledge and experience in supporting  production and marketing of local products to local, regional and/or international markets, working on MSME’s development is a strong asset;
• Previous experience with the United Nations or another multilateral or international organization is considered an added advantage.
• Proven experience in providing technical and advisory services to partners related to economic development programmes is a significant asset;
• Excellent communication and networking skills.
• Excellent computer skills and strong knowledge of Excel, PowerPoint and Word;
Language Requirements:
• Fluency (both oral and written) in English and Arabic.

UN Women is an equal opportunity employer, both women and men are highly encouraged to apply
Only long-listed candidates will be contacted

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Job Requirements
Job Details
Job Title UNDP | Programme Analyst
Deadline 12 - May - 2016
Location Jerusalem
Job Type Contract and Consultation
Position Level Mid Career
Degree Bachelor's degree
Experience No Experience
Application Instructions
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